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What to do......

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If she is asking you who you like there is a good possibility that she likes you. There really is no other reason to bring it up. When she asks you that next time, just tell her that she is the one you like. Then if she acts all weird about it just act like you were kidding because she wouldn't leave you alone about who you like. That way it kinda leaves an out. Good Luck!

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a really good friend of mine who i knew for much longer happened to ask me the same thing last summer, she was very shy about it and so was i, after a whole summer of asking, she finally told me she liked me, i told her i liked her too, it worked out well for a while until this week, i realized if i just cut straight to the point in june we woul of had 2 more months 2gether and maybey things would be much better, anyway, tell her you like her.

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Daisy20 thanks for ur idea.......and everyone else for ur answers


Im 15 and i dont think this formal date this will work...i have talked to her bout it but she didnt give a clear answer......


I think i might try daisy20's idea or i might ask if she wants to goto the movies or hang out sometime.....

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Muneca knows her stuff. DO NOT tell her you like her. This is the attraction deathtrap. Girls are emotional creatures - they love to wonder (like in the movies) if the guy likes her or not. Whoever said actions speak louder than words was right on the money - show her you like her by giving her deep signs - eye contact, subtle touching, etc.. It does seem like a good sign that she asked you who you like, but don't tell her you like her dude. It just kills all the mystery. But don't remain passive either - act.

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