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will anything ever happen again?

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ive only known this girl for 14 weeks or so. the times we hung i felt like we bonded together. i found out how i felt about her and we stopped hanging out. but we have been friends the whole time. anyway shes liked this other guy for a long time, but i still like her. even though there are many girls who like me. i still like her. she was even here for me today, but i know that she likes the other guy in a different way.

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Well, telling her how you feel is all you can do. She knows, so if she's not returning those feelings, then she's either not ready for things to happen with you, or she can't force herself to feel the same way.


It sounds like she may only want to be friends, especially if she likes someone else.

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I disagree with those who have responded. I don't think you should ever TELL a girl you like her, but SHOW her instead. Girls are very good at picking up signals anyway, much better than guys are. Telling a girl directly that you like her just puts a lot of pressure on her - it also kills that sense of challenge that people seem to love in the beginning.


I know it's too late now because you told her, but hopefully she feels the same. Remember, for us guys, it's always best to show her you like her, and if she really does come around to like you, she'll be the one to tell you. Maybe you should stop telling her you like her so much and act a little more distant. She'll wonder what's going on, and believe it or not, it might just do the trick. We always value something more when we don't have it available as much

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Maybe you should stop telling her you like her so much and act a little more distant. She'll wonder what's going on, and believe it or not, it might just do the trick.


I agree, crizlee, that you need to stop telling her simply because she already knows how you feel. I do not, however, agree with playing games as Double J suggested. I think you need to accept that this girl doesn't return your feelings and move on. Continuing to chase her will only push her away from you, since she has made it clear that she isn't interested in you.

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