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My ex made contact.....with my MOTHER?

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My ex randomly responded, last night, to an email my mother had sent her 3 months ago. She apologized for not responding, asked my mother how she is doing and said she misses me and my mother and loves us both. How bizarre. She also wrote "I don't know what to tell him (me)". Again....what? Tell me what about what? Her and I haven't spoken in 3 months and we broke up 10 months ago and it was hell from the moment we ended things until about a month ago when I started (key word STARTED) to recover. It just seems so out of place, doesn't it? Furthermore....about 2-2.5 months ago she began dating someone else. What gives with the random contact?


My mother, who misses her and still wants some kind of relationship with and her daughter (whom she really did consider an adopted granddaughter) insists on responding to her out of the blue attempt at reaching out. It's fine by me if she wants to (that does not mean that I comprehend it or share the enthusiasm) and I am no one to tell her with whom to have contact with but I did ask that she not mention me or what I am up to since I feel it is out of place and of no concern to my ex whether or not I am moving just fine and what/how have I pulled it off. My mother thinks she might have been indirectly reaching out to hear news about me. Does this sound logical to anyone? Any thoughts on whether or not my mother should keep it between them or should I be mentioned in any way, whether superficially (i.e. he's doing fine and PERIOD) or with more details (i.e. he's up to this and that and he feels pretty good about things these days)?


I appreciate any feed back from the forum and I thank you for taking the time and interest to read this.

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Many possible reasons: drunk, bored, fighting with new bf. Your mother should ignore, bit if she won't, she should respect your wishes and just say you are fine,period. This isn't about a back door into your life.

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If your ex were on good terms with your mother, she could break up with you but still be friends with your mother.

Obviously if they were friends your mother will want her to be her daughter in law and try to push for you two to reconcile, makes logical sense.

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