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What do people do when sadness hit them all of a sudden?

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Hey, guys. So wanted to get your opinion on the ways you deal with sadness that descends upon you without warning. You know, the kind that makes you feel like you got sucker punched, except you can't seem to recover from that nauseating feeling. The kind of sadness that stops you dead on your tracks and nothing can move you. I experienced it this morning when I woke up (first time waking up in my big, now empty bed) and I can't seem to shake it off. Going to this website and connecting with others going through the same thing helped a lot. I even went as far as update my profile so I can be less anonymous...there's no shame in this pain! Last night, I was actually in great spirits...I unpacked from my trip, did some errands, and caught up on Downton Abbey :sneakiness:


This morning, it descended upon me like a swarm of cicadas that comes around every 17 years (sorry, everyone is worried about the brood of cicadas coming our way this year and I can't help the imagery).


I try to have strategies to help get me through the day. It's a beautiful spring day in Washington DC and I'm about to go for a run. I also have yoga and meditation in the afternoon...so I am trying to keep myself occupied. I've rallied my friends and family to be on "standby" in case I break down, but to be honest, while they mean well, I feel like they can't possibly understand. Besides, sometimes, I don't want anyone giving me advice, I just need someone to listen!


I know I'm supposed to acknowledge sadness when it comes because it's a part of healing...yada yada yada, but man it sucks.


Thanks in advance and I wish you happiness and peace.

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Do what you've been doing! Offering advice to the EnA family can be incredibly theraputic - It's what I did and still do to this day!


I also take a trip down memory lane at the previous long term relationships I've held and how I eventually got over them and no longer desired them. It helped me realize that at some point I'd feel the same about my most recent breakup!


And of course, sometimes you just need a soundboard to throw your own words against, so go nuts!

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1. Make a list of physical things to do, digging in the dirt, stacking wood, vacuuming, etc, to choose from whenever emotions became intense. Moving seems to help dissipate some of the emotion.


2. Try to back track to the thought or idea that triggered the sadness, and then chose a different more uplifting thought, or train of thought, to entertain.


3. Substitute an inner coach or cheer leader for inner dialogue.


4. Stop trying to figure out what went wrong, at least for now (there's time for that after healing the emotions), stop trying to move forward while looking back.


5. Burn a white candle (or any color) when the sadness is intense, letting the candle take over the job of mourning for a bit. For some reason, burning a candle eased my emotional "burden", I'd have a thought "While this candle burns...." (and not even finish the thought, but somehow felt I was not so alone in processing this, and I was ok.)


6. Start a "fake journal" in the voice of your future healed self. Journal about wonderful things in your life, trips, plans, activities, the type of people, colors you're choosing, encouraging thoughts, inspiration of all kinds. This is the future healed you, your future self, waiting for you in the future. Cut pictures and words from magazines (if you can find them) and paste in, use paints and add color.

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I jump on my bike and sweat it all out! Or, I watch all the youtube vides I have on my "To Watch Later" playlist since most of them are documentaries about history and topics I enjoy. Movies are great also. HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS. I have friends who come over to visit me and I do the same when they go through a BU.

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