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Whats the difference between a crush and true love?

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Heya peeps!


I have been thinking for a while now and I was just wondering What is the difference between love and crush. I asked a few people and the conclusion was that they all think "True love" is when you can be with someone and not look at someone else and "a crush" seemed to be where you think someone is quite fit and gorgeous etc...


So what do you think? I mean are you a bad person if you are comitted too someone but you find someone else attractive? That seems to be a breaking point in any relationship isn't it?


I have never had a boyfriend before, but I'm still young. But It's just that I find some people attractive but how do you know if it's love or a crush?


Just needed some brain waves here.

Thanks for your time

Laura xx

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Here is something that I found on the net saying what love is, hope it helps.


1, Love does not hurt. Physical and/or emotional abuse are not a part of love.


2, Love is not manipulative, it should not be used to get others to do what you want. You should never give in to demands based on the, "You would do it if you loved me!" tactic.


3, Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person. It can take many different forms (romantic, friendly, familial) but it is always about caring.


4, Although it is true that a big part of love is putting another person's happiness ahead of your own this never includes compromising your values or being untrue to yourself.


5, If somebody asks you to do something that you don't want to do in order to "prove" your love they do not love you the way you might think they do. When you love another person you don't ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of that love.


6, It is very easy to confuse lust for love. The true measure of romantic love is commitment and trust not physical attraction.


7, It is possible to feel romantic love for more than one person at a given time. Just think, if it is possible for you to love both of your parents at the same time why would it be impossible to feel romantic love for two people at once? Don't beat yourself up emotionally if you find yourself in this unhappy situation. But be sure to remain single and be open and honest with all parties about your feelings and confusion.


8, Sex is NOT love. Love is NOT sex. Sex can be a part of romantic love but it is never mandatory.


9, Romantic love can (and often does) fade. When it goes there is not always a reason. When somebody falls out of love with you it does not reflect upon your value as a person or your desirability.


10, Love should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated.

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We are slaves to instincts , We are never satisfied , We are obsessed


There is no Love , it's just a hypocritical word made to explain the


hormonal imbalances and their effect on the Decision Making process


thus i feel i wanna make out or oooh i feel like i love him but ooh this guy


is so cute ....


i wish i can explain more but i'm too tired .


I have always lived with the Invisible 3


1. Life's events

2. My otherself the pathetic , regretive , why/but/if asking person

3. The individual within that can prevail


It's a War with your own Invisible 3 try to conquer and prevail

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A crush is more of liking a person for their extenal qualities, a built up fantasy of who we think that we like, but we actually don't know who they really are. It's more superficial. Loving someone requires loving a person from the inside out. Love is much deeper. You can have a crush on a person, but that feeling isn't as deep as love. To love someone, you must be able to put yourself in their shoes, empathize how it feels to live their life, and truly accept them for all that they are. That's what true love is. It's unconditional...


When people are in relationships, they might find someone else, other than their partners to be attractive, but that won't be enough to cause them to fall out of love with their partners. Seeing is one thing, but touching is another thing.


Love is pure. Some people may act on their impulses, and cheat and pursue crushes, hence the side flings. But if that's the case, then to me, that isn't really love. Loving someone requires that little things like finding someone else attractive, shouldn't get in the way of a strong commitment. It should be insignificant, compared to the bond that both partners share. Cheating should be the last thing that's on their mind.

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A crush is more of a superficial attraction or interest in someone. It's when you think about that person you saw in class or at work and say to yourself, "I'd love to get to know him better." It can be fueled by physical attraction. Love is once you've really gotten to know the person. You feel a connection, a special bond with that person. The two of you can relate and understand each other. There is not only a physical attraction, but an intellectual, emotional, and spiritual one as well.


If you are in a relationship it's okay to find other people attractive. But if you are truly in love with your partner, you won't want to act on that attraction. The person you are with will be enough to satisfy your desires. The connection you have will be so deep that there is no need to seek out someone else.

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well you can have a huge crush on someone just because of their looks, you can have a crush on them without knowing them. like right now i have a huge crush on benjamin mckenzie from the o.c. its driving me crazy.

personally i think you have know the person and appreciate evrything about them to love them. ok maybe not everything but you get what i mean.

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there is definitely a big difference between a crush and true love.

when you have a crush on someone, you find them attractive, and perhaps someone you want to get to know a little bit better, it doesnt mean you love them. You could think someone was the most attractive person ever, and then once you get to know them, they aren't as attractive anymore.

True love is genuinly loving someone for who they are. You learn to see an imperfect person perfectly, and you're willing to stand by them through the good and the bad.

You'll know what true love is once you find it

Hope this helps!

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True love is beyond words, nothing can describe the energy of true love that flows through you. You feel it with every kiss, every touch, every smile etc... It is the closest to heaven that can be reached on earth, the greatest feeling on earth. Once you find it, then you will know what the difference between a crush and true love is. Actually the only definition to love is when you experience it, then you realize it can't be defined.

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