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Do relapses ever stop?

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I just had the worst relapse I've had in quite a while. Basically just broke down and fell into an emotional wreck.


I'm ok now but it wasn't very fun..


I understand that they can happen and I'm mostly over the ex now although clearly not completely. Just wondering how much longer I can expect these inconvenient relapses to go on for?

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Wow! I'm glad u posted this. I thought I was the only one. I hear its normal though and it comes in waves. I'm still not sure if I'm over my ex. He cheated and left me to marry the girl. This left me with a lot of emotional issues. I've gotten my confidence back however I've grown frustrated with dating... It's like it came easy for my ex to find his soul mate I guess while cheating on me ( even though mean time he was telling me I was the one he loved) and it seems hard to impossible for me to find someone else.., this is kinda what puts me into a relapse because I feel like I'm being punished but I wasn't the cheater. Hope it gets better for u soon. But everyone has their own time frames for getting over things. Some may take longer than u and others may not. It's been 2 years for me and I still have my moments. Not as bad but I still have them.

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Relapse is part of recovery after all. I'm like you, mostly over my ex but not totally.


Everyone is different but I think the relapses thin out more and more, I've had a good long patch of feeling okay but relapsed a little last night. I think there will always be times when you remember that person and what happened, you loved them after all, but there'll come a time where it isn't a relapse; just a memory.

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That's so true about it just being a memory sometimes. I like it when it's like that because I'm just like 'Awww, those were fun times but we're both in a better place now'.


I just need to work out why sometimes it becomes a relapse. I know it's often to do with my depression. I suppose I just need to stop using those memories as a source of comfort when I'm feeling down.


It's been nearly two years for me too.

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