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I have buck teeth! Do overbites kill kisses?

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I have an overbite! I've had it since I was born, and i've had a retainer, a herps(sp) appliance, braces for 3 years*, another retainer*, and rubber bands* on my top teeth(they don't connect to the bottom). Things marked with a * are things I have now. It used to be bad, but now my teeth just rest a little bit on my lower lip.


I know I'm going to have to do something with my retainer and stuff...I carry around mints because of it. But basically, how do I kiss without my overbite messing up everything and embarrassing me? What should I do about it?



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Really? I kissed my last(and first, how ironic...) boyfriend and he didn't seem to mind...but they still got in the way. I've been haunted by those stories in those awful magazines where they are like, "HE KISSED MY TEETH OMG!!!111". *cowers*


So it's not a huge ailment or anything? Because I can assure you, they don't taste pleasant. Should I just brush my teeth everywhere I go or pop mints all the time?

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I used to have a pretty bad overbite, but thanks to 3 1/2 years of braces and other appliances, my teeth are okay now. Of course, all those appliances messed up my jaw, so now I have to worry about my jaw dislocating, locking up, or grinding when I start kissing. Still worth it, though!


Anyway, my point is, just because your mouth might be a little different, doesn't mean that kissing won't work for you. You shouldn't worry about it at all. You may have to adjust your kissing style every now and then, but honestly, it's not a big deal at all.

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I know this for a fact for others and I can attest to it personally for myself; buck teeth are equal to the sexiest aspects of a woman's face. I love them, I wish I had buck teeth, I love kissing an attractive woman with buck teeth and if she is good in other ways, her buck teeth enhances her sexuality 200%. It's a pity if a woman "fixes" her buck teeth and I only wish there were more bt's around...it is SOOO rare!


Point is...whatever you are, however you look, whatever you think of yourself, there's always someone who would enjoy you as you are.

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  • 1 year later...

I just want to concur with Lazurm. I'm nuts about a woman with buck teeth. The more prominent they are, the better, as far as I'm concerned. Every time I see something about women with buck teeth on the Internet, the connotation is negative. I was glad to see a post giving women with buck teeth their rightful and long overdue recognition. Just be patient. Believe men, there are men who love buck teeth. Best, Slacky B

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Really? I kissed my last(and first, how ironic...) boyfriend and he didn't seem to mind...but they still got in the way. I've been haunted by those stories in those awful magazines where they are like, "HE KISSED MY TEETH OMG!!!111". *cowers*


So it's not a huge ailment or anything? Because I can assure you, they don't taste pleasant. Should I just brush my teeth everywhere I go or pop mints all the time?


Hey well its the way they kiss thats how they bump each others teeth or what ever.


My first bf that i kissed, his first aswell when he wasnt drunk, we hit eachothers teeth, it was shame, but we just kept carrying on and didnt mention it again, we broke up not long after aswell, coz we feel a part.


Teeth are sexy bigger ones are better, aslong as you breath dont smell like smoke thats fine to me

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't worry. I'm sure when you kiss a decent guy, he'll be more worried about whether or not he's kissing you right! In any case, as has been stated, a lot of guys find an overbite rather attractive. I know the first girl I ever had a REAL crush on in school had a large overbite and braces, and it didn't stop her being the girl of my dreams for the next few years! ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks guys, sometimes [read: all the time] I feel like I'm so damn ugly. I've been "going out" with a girl for not long now, but we've not really kissed yet; I'm just too self conscious.


I actually sent her a text message about how I feel about it all (which took a bit of courage) and she replied saying something along the lines of, "I'm not that shallow. It's fine, we'll just see how things go." Now, me being the oversensitive type wonders whether she just said that because she had to or not; no one's gonna admit to being shallow.


Last time we went out she kissed me on the cheek as we met and when we were going. I'm 99% sure she wants me to kiss her, I just have bad thoughts of clashing teeth and making a complete prat of myself! Next time I see her I'm going to — pardon the pun — bite the bullet and kiss her. I just hope it goes well. I hate having buck teeth. But I didn't like the idea of having braces when I was younger (I'm 17 now) and I'm seriously considering having some kind of operation to get rid of them. I know it would give me so much more confidence in life too. But I don't really want to have to do that, because I love individuality — I just wish most other people did!


Anyone got any advice for me? About the kiss or the operation?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have an overbite and HUGE front teeth, like a rabbit

I also have really crooked bottom teeth


and I wouldnt change them (except maybe get htem a bit les crowded, but only becuase of the pain in my jaw)


teeth make no difference...that overly straight/white obsession americans have with teeth weirds me out

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Thanks for reassuring me Eva! You look absolutely beautiful — as I'm sure you know — in your photo, I have to say.


I've still not kissed my girlfriend — yes, almost a month after I said I was going to — but I am going to next time I meet her. I'm going to have to or she's going to think I'm not interested in her. (And by the way for anyone with stereotypes on their mind, not all British people are as reserved as me! Or have bad teeth!) I just have bad thoughts of making an * * * * of myself with my buck teeth! I wish I could just have been born with "normal" teeth; but I know I wouldn't be the person I am if I had have been. Oh well. Let's hope I can kiss her soon...

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Haha, I am going to Eva. Because me being this insecure is going to make her insecure about the relationship — if you can even call it that, being about as physical as I don't know what. I'll post about how it goes. Hopefully there won't be tales of clashing teeth, unintended biting and chronic embarrassment!


I was watching a documentary last night about the life story of a very camp, now dead British comedian — I shouldn't think that many people will have heard of him — called Kenneth Williams, and it actually made me cry. His dad hated the fact that he was so camp and most probably because of this he grew up to be really, really insecure. He hid this behind his comedy but when he wasn't on stage or TV he went home alone to a little apartment and couldn't handle any relationships at all because he was always questioning himself so much. When he thought he might be gay, he went out with a guy someone had hooked him up with, but he just sat there straight and couldn't bring himself to even touch the guy who was flirting with him. I don't want to live a life like that.


I'm kissing her — admittedly not right now, but I am going to! Whether she likes it or not!

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this post has made me feel a lot better about my buck teeth. I am overall a confident person however my buck teeth prevent me from smiling and laughing which is something i love to do. I am often too self-concioius about my projecting front teeth. I've dated some pretty attractive guys who didn't seem to mind and you can only really tell if you are looking at me from the side, however I still find it very damaging to my overall appearance. A lot of you said some kind words though that really help me feel better.

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Buck teeth, bad teeth, toothless (well, it was a bridge) braces...Honey, it don't mean a thing if you aint got that swing! Men and women all have some certain thing they are self consious about, mine is...well, thats a whole other post. Anyway, its all in the way you kiss. Do not draw attention to your over bite, women find things in men sexy that men think are a minus to their appearances....I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised to find out that women only care about the way you go about "the kiss" than anything else. I have written before that I have never ever been kissed by any man the way my b/f kisses me...know what his hang up is? His weight! I love every inch of him, but the way he kisses? If he could write it down he would make a mint. Good luck, suck it up and quit looking at your teeth!

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Well, she kissed me. We went to a concert (link removed) about 6 hours ago and as I was holding on to her doing my excuse of a dance she leaned up (I'm 6 foot 3) and kissed me. No clashing of teeth! I was so taken aback that I didn't really get into it until half way through but it was amazing! I don't think it was the best kiss ever — it was mine though! But hopefully we can learn from here.


I am in love with her! I can still feel her lips on mine. I hope she thought it was good — or at least didn't think it was bad!


Anyway, the moral is if someone wants to kiss me, and I can do it, there's hope for all of us!

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  • 3 months later...

just for the record too, there's nothing wrong with an over-bite, i used to have one bucked teeth and an over-bite until i had 3 years of braces (managed to negotiate and bribe my dentist into letting me out of the elastic bands!!) but anyway, i don't miss the buckyness of my teeth, but i would prefer to have a bit more of an overbite, my bottom teeth rest neatly right behind my tops, and i'd rather they were maybe 5mm further backwards!! So don't wish away an over-bite!!

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  • 1 year later...

I have had a bad overbite for all my life and Im a 24 year old guy who has been pretty much single the whole time. I have lost all my confidence in being able to pick up women and also being able to maintain a relationship. Im not a virgin but kissing is still a problem. I heard I was a bad kisser the other day but I think its more of lack of experience then it is physical disability. I am working on it and haven't really had a bad problem clanking teeth or anything like that..


I just have trouble with horrible insecurities about them and women not liking me for that. Other than that Im a pretty nice and sweet guy.. or so Ive heard =/

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