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Need some life help.


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Looking for suggestions. First I'm 27, have my own house and live alone. The dilemma I'm having is, I don't like my job I have now, it's boring and is a dead end job. I live in a small town so to find another job that pays good is hard to come by. I have been playing my options. There is one where I take a camp job and work 14 with 7 days off, but I'm away from home, but I can still live here. This would be a good money job and lets me afford things, its something that some what interests me, but its basically another job in a sense that pays really good.. It also lets me live where my friends/family are still, which is a bonus to me.


My second option is to move away and go to school to be a pilot. The things that scare me about this is moving away and knowing no one, first 3-4 years salary is quite low.. I know this is a job I would like to do, I have done a few flight lessons, etc so I'm not going in blind. The thing this one is really work to me its more of this is what excites me, every time I go to the airport I love it.. But I am scared of losing my friends I have now, espcailly at my age. It's like walking into the unknown.


Any suggestions. Cheers

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As someone who is in a somewhat similar situation as you, I'd say go for the job you think you'd enjoy most. I'm in a dead end job right now and I HATE it, but there's also not a lot of options for me in terms of what I studied/am qualified for currently, so if you have the resources I'd go for it. What with different social networking sites I bet you could find friends somewhere, or also your classmates and people around the school. Maybe see if you can rent out your house so you'd also have some income coming in. If I found a job I loved right now, even if it involved going back to school, I would totally go for it.

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I first want to ask Sean1740 if he thinks he has the potential to be a pilot.


There are only really two options when available to a person who wants to become a pilot.


1. You can join the military. I think you know what this entails. It would take a lot of time and commitment.


2. You can get a commercial pilot's license. This involves many training courses which you must pay for yourself.



I just want to let you know that getting a job as a pilot is tough. This website, link removed, will contain a lot of information for you if you are serious about becoming a pilot.



If you really want to do it and you have the means, I would go for it. I think that being a pilot would be a great job. It is actually one of my backup career paths if school does not work out for me.

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