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Could getting a therapist be going too far?

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Sometimes I really feel like I need someone to talk to other than my boyfriend. I do not have friends. Do not. Not one. I'm also a bit overly emotional whenever I cannot see my boyfriend because he is all I have, and I've come to that conclusion.

Do any of you think that seeing a therapist or someone such as that may be going a bit too far?

Maybe there's a book I could try reading instead?

Basically, I need someone to talk to and help me out with making friends, perhaps tell me what I'm doing wrong because it's soo utterly rediculous, and also help me be independent when my boyfriend isn't around. As well as not being so paranoid about other things.

What do you think?

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I don't think seeing a therapist is going to far if you feel you need to talk to a professional about your problems. I don't think anyone would think that is going to far.


I have to say I have received a lot of good advice right here on this forum. You could ask questions here as well. Feel free to send me a PM if you would like to talk about something and you don't want to post it.

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Well, I think if you find any person, professional or not to talk to, that would be great, seeing as you said you have few people to talk to besides your boyfriend. If it comes to it, going to a therapist would'nt be a bad idea as has been said. And I'm not sure books can help much, since its a people thing. So basically, find someone to talk to, someone to "lean on" besides your boyfriend, and things should be aok .

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If you need to meet people then join an organizaton...like to help the homeless or something like that. Usaually some good people volunteer at these things. Other then that, if you feel you need to talk to someone professional then do so...a lot of people do that these days.



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I agree with DBL, although it might be that you have already tried things like that. For some people it's difficult to connect with others. You might be shy deep inside, and it might take longer than 'average' to get to know you. Later in your life, I think you will experience that the people who are truly worth it, will invest their effort and time into building a friendship with you.


In highschool I hung out with a lot of people, but I felt like an outsider all the time. I am not a 'group' person. Now that I have been on my own and studying at uni for 7 years, I realize the truth of what someone once said to me. This person said that people appreciated me a lot, that I truly had my own place in the class (this was in highschool), but also that they found me inapproachable. Because they felt I was much more smart than they were. I have a high IQ, and had some struggle to adapt in social life because of that. But I didn't know that at that time. It took some therapy to get me out of my emotional isolation, and I still have a rough time getting used to my co-workers at side jobs and sort of communicating in the right way to just be friends with them. Still, I am a sort of outsider, but I know that the people like me the way that I am.


I would recommend therapy to anyone who say themselves that they need it. Don't be ashamed of asking for some help.



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