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Here's A Good One....READ READ Crazy Story!!! Need Advice


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OK, Its Saturday Night and I'm at a party. We are all Drunk yes. But there is a very attractive female who catches my eye....ITS MY FRIENDS GIRLFRIEND!! She is beautiful and soo sweet. She was drunk and he had to leave. Once he Left She was crying and upset cause he is basically a not so good BF and Her life is rough right now. WE spent Hours Talking. I let her know I was there for her. I am. So to cheer her up I told her how she should drink to have fun, not when she's upset. She was all "I dont know how"and I asked her to dance and we did. It was awsome it was a friendly dance then got pretty naughty. I've had a crush on her for over 3 years. As Her soft skin of her cheek pressed agaisnt mine we danced after everyone had went to bed. It was "one last song" we agreed. As we danced she kissed my neck and i looked into her eyes and as she closed hers she gently leaned in and we kiss more passionate than anyone I've ever kissed before. I Kept thanking god that even if this was my only time I'll ever have with her, it is the best moment i've had in my life. We went to bed *in seprate beds* but before i left she pulled me on top of her and we kissed more. When i woke the next morning It was over. Nothing came from her. My friend and I gave her a ride home and she was saying she didn't remember anything. It kinda hurt but I had my moment I'll never forget it. As we pulled into her driveway I asked if she remembered anything we talked about. She said "oh I remember a little" and that was it. I dont know if because she was drunk that that Night prollay meant nothing to her. It meant so much to me. So as i work through the day and go through class, that moment warms my heart, but a cold draft comes through my body, as if its not real.....not anymore.

I didn't tel my friend, its something that should be forgotten i dont know. We're more of Soccer Teammates than good friends. But Any advice on if i should try to go for her would rock. I hope my heart leads me in the right, as does hers. I love her and I dont see her enough to talk to her just a quick Smile and wave when i see her maybe once a month at a Social Event. She's a Senior In high School i'm a Sophmore in Comm College.

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nononoonono, not a good idea.


She HAS A BF, remember!. If she wants to persue anything with you, she would dump him and make herself available, don't go and mess up current relations in going after somebody elses GF, and she might not even be interested in a relationship with you.


Another thing to remember is, even if you one day have her, she might do the same thing to you if you left her alone, or let her go somewhere alone. Sounds to me like she's playing the field a bit.


Keep the experience you had in your heart, but don't build all your hopes and dreams on it.

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With all the women I dated and been with. I have never taken advantage of anyone that was drinking. In my opinion I think you were taking advantage of her. Even though you had true feelings for her...she was obviously very drunk and was not capable of making clear decisions.


Me personally...and I have done this...when a girl made a move and was drunk...I stopped them and would tell them if they felt this way tomorrow then we will talk about it. I had some women call me names afterwards thinking I disrespected them.


Here is a true story. I'm all hanging out at a bar and there is the hot woman that was friends with another girl I knew. This lady was separated. I ended up driving her home. I knew she was bombed, because I talked to her early in the night and she had no intentions of sleeping with anybody. As I pull up to her house she asked me to come in, I turned her down saying she was drunk and thats not my style. The next day in the bar her friends and her thanked me for not taking advantage of her.


I have a similar story with the bar hussy, I think I was the only one that went to that bar that never slept with her.


Anyway...you may have no realized it, but you were taking advantage of this girl when she was upset and fragile as well as drunk.



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Yeah but i've talked with a few of my girlfriends who i'm best friends with and they said She probally remembered it all and if she had any attraction with you it would be easier for her to come on to me. I was drunk also, if I had been sober i probally would have not let her kiss me. But i swear she came onto me my best friend who was there told me she did. I think i'll go with SonJam on this one.

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I have a friend who was out drinking with a girl one night...they decided to get a room. He went to go to the bathroom and when he came back she was passed out...so he just went to sleep. A week later he was arrested for rape.


In your case I believe if it went further it could be considered date rape. It is obvious you were not intoxicated enough that you weren't aware of what was going on and what you were doing.


You don't have to go with my advice, but atleast understand what I am saying. If you want to be ignorant to it, then be ignorant to it. If you want to know more:


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Is she really your friend's girlfriend ??? Man, with a friend like you, your friend doesn't need an ennemy. I would never go out with my friend's girlfriend. Never. Consider the friendship as over if you guys get together.


Second, I was with a girl friend last year. I met her at a bar. She was drunk, so was I. She told me all the nicest things about me. She said I was the man of her life and everything. She had a boyfriend at that time, I had a girlfriend too. She wanted sex that night, I refused. I couldnt stop thinking about her for weeks for that reason my -ex- left me because I couldnt care for her anymore. One week after the break-up, I saw the other girl. She told me that she had broken up too. So I said to myself, thats it, we,re going to get together. I told her if she had the same feelings now than before and she didnt answer. One year later, we are still singles. I still think about her a lot. I often see her but she doesnt care about me. I hate her now because shes the reason my -ex- left but on the other hand she opened up my eyes, I couldnt have had a long-term relationship with my -ex-. What have I learned from that experience?? Just that she wanted a one-night stand under the influence of alcohol. How could I be so stupid. Try not to repeat the same mistake I made.




Wow, that post was hard to write. I hope its clear enough because you know that :


***English is my second language***

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OK Easy DBL....I Understand everything your saying and I feel strong about what you mean. I would have never tried to have sex with her...NO WAY In HELL i'm not like that. It would have been rape. Where young and so its not as serious to kiss someone that your attracted to one night. No body is married to anyone here. I feel Bad yes, fridolyn, but where more of aquantences then good friends or anything he has no clue. She hasn't said anything to him nor will I. But Your story has really made me think and I appreciate your response Thanks man. Thanks to everyones advice I think i'd made up my mind to just forget it and what is meant to happen will happen.

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