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Do men really get less interest in S after 40?


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My 46 year old BF claims he doesn't have much sexual energy because of being now 46, but I know some male friends who claim they have a lot.

My BF has low desire, even though I am attractive and always ready. He says when he was young it was much easier. So I question if this is true or if he's just not very attracted by me. I see him looking at women in public that are different from me (skinny blonde all-american types).


Any men over 40 or women with men over 40-45 here?

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Sexual desire can decrease with age. Other problems seems to increase with age such as erectile dysfunction., in other words many factors can be attributed to a mans sex drive when he is older. The only general concensus is that sexual activity seems to decrease with age. Although how much an older person has sex is a case by case basis.

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well, the looking at women in public thing is completely independent (not to mention rude)


attraction and sex are not always one and the same


i've always understood that men peak sexually somewhere in their early 20s and then decrease from there, while most women peak in their late 30s to 40s.. by peaking i mean their desire and ability to have sex. maybe i've been misled??


why do you think viagra is aimed at older men and not women?? no offense to the mature men in the audience of course

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  • 2 years later...

After male sex hormones peak in their early 20's they decline with age. Levels of free testosterone decline as men get older. And there is a good correlation between free test levels and sex drive. Ability to have sex is largely attached to erectile functionality which also can decrease with age. Poor hormone levels can be a cause of erectile difficulty in and of itself.


What I consider sad is that many people take loss of sex drive with age and consider it normal. And because they consider it normal, they simply don't think that there might be something they could do about it. Men with low hormone levels can be offered hormone replacement therapy. In that case, it often brings a man's drive right back to peak levels. So where a man's sex drive falls is fully within his control! If an older man wants to increase his drive, that is usually an easy thing to accomplish. And as idon'tgetit mentioned, a man also can choose to use viagra and cialis so that he has the ability. That newfound ability is also sometimes far greater than what they had when they were younger! This is true both because of good drugs that lead to supraphysiological abilities and due to experience in the bedroom.


So in sum, I think the reason there is so much trouble with older men is partly due to decline with age. But it is in larger part due to ignorance or apathy on the part of the older men and their partners. In this day and age there is little reason short of high stress levels that would warrant a man to complain about low sex drive and yet do nothing about it. Great options are available. It is just a matter of education, infromation, and openmindedness.




A lot of it is genetic, but that doesn't change the fact that hormone levels decline with age. A person with a naturally high drive may not experience the same troubles as a person with a low natural drive. Erectile functionality behaves similarly. There is a huge genetic component.

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My 46 year old BF claims he doesn't have much sexual energy because of being now 46, but I know some male friends who claim they have a lot.

My BF has low desire, even though I am attractive and always ready. He says when he was young it was much easier. So I question if this is true or if he's just not very attracted by me. I see him looking at women in public that are different from me (skinny blonde all-american types).


Any men over 40 or women with men over 40-45 here?


True, but they should still have it. No thaving sexual desire at any age is wrong.

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Yes, men's libidos do tend to decline in middle age. I used to be ragingly lecherous in my teens and twenties, but I could see it declining noticeably by my late thirties. I'm now into my forties and my libido comes and goes. At its best, it's never what it used to be.


There are exceptions; I've heard some guys say their libido has actually increased as they've gone into their forties, but they're definitely atypical.


And yes, the libido can be restored with testosterone treatments. But from what I've heard, the testes can begin to atrophy when the body is no longer required to produce its own testosterone. I'd suggest Googling "hormone replacement therapy" in combination with "testosterone".

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Yes, men's libidos do tend to decline in middle age. I used to be ragingly lecherous in my teens and twenties, but I could see it declining noticeably by my late thirties. I'm now into my forties and my libido comes and goes. At its best, it's never what it used to be.


There are exceptions; I've heard some guys say their libido has actually increased as they've gone into their forties, but they're definitely atypical.


And yes, the libido can be restored with testosterone treatments. But from what I've heard, the testes can begin to atrophy when the body is no longer required to produce its own testosterone. I'd suggest Googling "hormone replacement therapy" in combination with "testosterone".


The balls do shrink with hormone replacement therapy. To what extent depends mainly on the guy. With HRT in older men it is more important imo to monitor blood pressure, and do regular tests of prostate health. A good doctor can get you right where you should be...high normal free test.


If you want to avoid atrophy, it is possible but I would think most men would find it not to be such a big deal. Sometimes the size loss isn't noticeable. For those who are curious, HCG (gonadotropin) therapy is what keeps them from shrinking.

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I had to laugh when I read this thread.


I'm 59, I have a several female lovers, one is 60 and the youngest is 38. I see one frequently at least twice a week for long, hot, love making sessions. They seem to be very satisfied sexually. I don't need viagra and at my seemingly "advanced age", I'm proud to say the body parts work just fine. While it takes me about an hour between climaxes, I can keep it up and going for several hours. I spent a wonderful day recently only taking a break for lunch. I'm going on a trip tomorrow, taking a friend along and looking forward to a full afternoon and night of play.


So, yes, it must be partly genetics, but younger guys...don't get depressed about having to have a sexual winter as you age. I'd say it's mostly in your mind and up to you!!

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I had to laugh when I read this thread.


I'm 59, I have a several female lovers, one is 60 and the youngest is 38. I see one frequently at least twice a week for long, hot, love making sessions. They seem to be very satisfied sexually. I don't need viagra and at my seemingly "advanced age", I'm proud to say the body parts work just fine. While it takes me about an hour between climaxes, I can keep it up and going for several hours. I spent a wonderful day recently only taking a break for lunch. I'm going on a trip tomorrow, taking a friend along and looking forward to a full afternoon and night of play.


So, yes, it must be partly genetics, but younger guys...don't get depressed about having to have a sexual winter as you age. I'd say it's mostly in your mind and up to you!!


I think you give older man hope.

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one poster wrote:

"It may sound funny. I have always looked at it as a very cruel irony. I could just look at it as a reason to date older women though! You know, you have to think positively!"

Yeah.. and that's why I love dating younger men. It's true, I think women get hornier as they get older....I know I am. I wish it was the reverse sometimes cuz it's sure harder to attract a man when you are past 35 than before! But it seems when i hit my 40s I cannot stop thinking about sex!

I don't remember being like this in my 20s. Well.. with one bf perhaps.. but he was a pretty excellent lover.

Anyway. .i wish there wasn't such a taboo between younger men and older women. We are much more sexually matched in drives than men our own age.

I was so surprised... Awhile back I went out with a guy in his late 20s.. He was raring to go again after we made love. And so was I!

But after dating someone in their 30s... the difference was remarkable. It took much longer to get him erect.. and then he didn't want to make love again for hours. I don't think he was sick either....

But I guess it's all up to the individual.. you can probably find guys in their 40s who are raring to go all the time also.

And guys in his 30s who don't care at all about sex.

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