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Change in weight after relationship

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So after my break up I lost 15lbs, not intentionally, I just couldn't sleep and had no desire to eat. I think I am getting better now but I am interested in knowing if anyone else has experienced this. I was dumped back in October so I guess its been about 2 months...


1. Dumper or Dumpee?

2. Weight gain or loss?

3. How much?

4. How long did it take you to get back to feeling normal about food?

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1. Not a Dumper or a Dumpee - just a rocky patch in an long term relationship


2. Weight loss.


3. I lost 5lbs over the course of 2 weeks of stress and worrying. I was only 7 stone 9lbs to begin with so this worried people even more!


4. Instantly. A few days after I knew everything was back to normal I ate like I'd been starving for a month! I gained it all back within a week! Ha!


Sorry I don't have an answer to your question as someone who's been dumped or dumped someone, but I also lost a lot of weight (10lbs) when I first met my fiance, just because I was so excited and had so many butterflies in my stomach that I couldn't sleep or hardly eat. I was literally love sick! Weight loss or gain doesn't have to be down to depression.


Once you get yourself back on track, it may be in a month, it may be much longer, you'll slowly find yourself having an appetite again. Hell, I knew a girl who'd been on the 'Heart Break Diet' after loosing a guy she loved because his families religion didn't permit them to be together. She hated the break up but loved the fact that she lost weight without trying so, I know it sounds awful but that was actually a positive for her!


Things will get better with time,


Love Lola x

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1. Dumper b/c he was a jerk

2. Loss

3. 10lbs or so

4. I'm generally happy after a relationship and jump into working out/being healthy so it was a good thing for me. Lost weight, looked fantastic and got myself a new fantastic bf. I gained about 15lbs when we were together, which doesn't sound like much but on a small frame, it shows a lot and everyone noticed. gringe.

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1. Dumpee

2. Weight loss

3. 15-20 pounds

4. My breakup was in the middle of October, it took me about a month to be able to eat without wanting to throw up. Now, I can eat, just not at as much as before the breakup and sometimes I still don't have an appetite when things about my relationship/breakup flood my mind.

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1. Sort of both? She said she didn't know if she could do it anymore, that she would have to wait and see, so I broke it off

2. Loss

3. 17 lbs in about 2 months

4. 3 months or so. My problem was anxiety and it was tearing my stomach up. Once I got on a med to level me out, I began eating regularly again

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So after my break up I lost 15lbs, not intentionally, I just couldn't sleep and had no desire to eat. I think I am getting better now but I am interested in knowing if anyone else has experienced this. I was dumped back in October so I guess its been about 2 months...


1. Dumper or Dumpee?

2. Weight gain or loss?

3. How much?

4. How long did it take you to get back to feeling normal about food?




3-29 pounds


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So after my break up I lost 15lbs, not intentionally, I just couldn't sleep and had no desire to eat. I think I am getting better now but I am interested in knowing if anyone else has experienced this. I was dumped back in October so I guess its been about 2 months...


1. Dumper or Dumpee? When I was around 18 yrs old, I was dumped by my high school sweetheart.


2. Weight gain or loss? Weight loss.


3. How much? 13 lbs. ( From 115 lbs to 102 lbs ) - I looked horrible. It wasn't on purpose. That's just how my body works when I am sad or stressed...it loses weight bc my stomach somehow doesn't want to take in food, no matter how hard I try.


4. How long did it take you to get back to feeling normal about food?

I've always felt normal about food...but during that difficult time ( and now, as I am going through my 2nd break up at the age of 33 yrs ), my stomach just wouldn't take anything. It took around 1 month for it to become "normal" again.
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