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To all my fellow broken hearted college students

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First, happy holidays to everyone. I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas had a wonderful time!


Now! Let's talk about me for a little. Well, as many of you know this past semester at school was torture. I let my ex rattle my cage and piss in the wounds that were slowly healing. My focus was completely on her from the day we broke up til about two months into the fall semester. I didn't even open a book until October. All i did was sob in my room, watch Supernatural on netflix and use whatever money i had to drown myself in alcohol. This sucks because this was supposed to be my last semester physically being at that school. I only had ONE class to take in the spring to graduate. Well, to make a long story short I had some Ds on report card and now i have more classes to take in the spring plus summer classes. I'm extremely angry at myself and my mother is to the point where she's "done" with me. It took me to get bad grades and a loss of financial support for me to finally forget about that biatch and worry about myself and what's important in life. I am officially over her!


My message to my fellow college students is to never lose sight of what's important because at the end of the day no one has your best interest except you. I was in Oklahoma being sad and depressed and getting bad grades while my ex is happy with her bf getting good grades. I GUARANTEE you guys that my ex's grades are damn near perfect!


I may have not learned much in the classroom this past semester, but I learned a lot about life. Once a person leaves you you have to keep pushing and work on you. Now I have to do another semester because i was too worried about someone who doesn't care about me. But oh well! I will be alright and so will everyone on this forum!

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