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If I look at other chicks and sometimes I get little thoughts about what it would be like to be with them, does it mean I may be bisexual?

I like guys and have had a few boyfriends but none of them have been serious relatipnships.

I'm really confused because I do have the thoughts of getting with a girl but don't know if I'd actually do it.

Please help me to work it all out!!!

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I think that sounds pretty normal, most females have probably thought about it at one time or another in their life, having those thoughts doesn't automatically make you bi-sexual. You're only 14, so you've still got plenty of time for a serious relationship.


This will be one of those things that you'll figure out in time, just don't worry about it though, if it's meant to be then you'll know when the time is right

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Hey zarah,


Well, I'm gonna have to disagree with sankin, "If you have not actually been with another girl then you are strait." Just because you have never been with nebody doesnt mean that your straight or gay. Homosexuality is the feeling toward another of the same sex. But anyway, all I can really offer as advice is that you very possibly could be bisexual. But considering your age, your probably still confused and really aren't sure of your sexuality yet. Now, I really can't speak from a females point of view here, but I do know that I wasn't really sure of my sexuality and hadn't even thought about it until I was at least 18. Heck, I'm 19 now and I'm not even sure if I'm necesarilly gay. I fell in love with my best friend who's a guy, but I don't know if I'm gay or not. I think I am, but I have never really been in a situation with either sex to know for sure.


So, just wait and see what time brings. These feeling and observations that you are having are very typical even among heterosexuals at that age. I have heard of many heterosexuals that have done sexual things at that age but it's just experimentation and is a part of almost every person's life.


If you need any other advice or want to ask me anything that feel free to PM me.

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Hi there,

Just happened to read "Confused". Don't be confused. We all have both male and female energy. You had a thought about being with a girl. It's just a thought, and doesn't mean you are bi-sexual. Not yet. Not until you have a "relationship" with one. Your male side just take over your mind for a shot moment. I have done a few research about this issue before; I myself is gay, but sometimes have a thought about being with a girl too. It is just curiosity.

Never done that and don't think I will. I respect and admire females more than just my sexual curiosity.

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