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Worst thing you've ever done in a relationship

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I didn't mean for it to be a personal attack on you, which is why I removed it. You said that your friends found it funny. If a friend told me a story like that, I would honestly think a lot less of that person.


Sorry if it seemed personal, I didn't intend it to be. I just don't see anything funny about physically forcing yourself on someone else, regardless of whether or not 'it's a joke'. Don't you think that's kind of like punching someone in the face, then saying, "haha, sorry - just kidding!" - LOL - it just doesn't go over well at all.


Just look over this statement again FA:


I was makin out with this girl (I was kinda tipsy)... so I started to feel her up, and she stopped me and said you keep going and I will slap you. Hey I am a guy, you know what I did. So she slapped me. I said [PROFANITY DELETED] then I left.


It just comes accross as being very arrogant about a situation that I would view as nearly sexual assault. When someone says, "STOP" and you keep going because you think it's funny, it's still considered assault. Humour doesn't hold up in a court of law. I just don't think there is anything funny about it. What if someone did that to your mother? Sister? Girlfriend?

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Yes I would be upset if that happened to my sister/gf. However they have put themself in that situation. Some of the reason has to be because she kissed me initially. She initiated the whole thing and I just kinda went along.


I think its situational. She knew what she was doing. She told me and she responded.


I don't find myself a jerk. But if you do thats fine. I was a jerk in that situation... I find it funny.. I am not a big guy (in fact I am 5'6'' and she is 5'6'') and I don't think she was worried and took it as a joke.



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No is No...I ain't never been slapped up like that. Most of the times I tell them straight up about my intentions and leave it up to them if they want to continue. A girl should never have to say no more then once. You just have to respect that.


Here is more from my chronicle.


I was dating this one girl for a couple of months and one day we had an argument over something stupid, so I blew her off for a few days, she kept calling and calling. So finally I return the call and we make plans to meet at 10, I got bored and figured I would go at 9:30. I got there too early, early enough to see her and her x boyfriend walking out of her apartment holding hands. They even walked pretty much right by me as they were holding hands walking to the store down the road. So I took off for a half hour, came back she got in my car, we went for a drive, she took care of me, then right after I drove her back to her place, and as soon as she got out of the car I said "we're done, bye. And left her standing there crying.



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Hey you all,


ForAnother, I don't think you are getting the point here. The point is that it's very very degrading for a(ny) woman to read posts like this. You crossed the line that she clearly set, and you brag about this all ha-ha-ha to your friends.


REALIZE that the guy that did this to me, probably does the same to his friends. I had to meet him the next day because he left things at my place (I kicked him out as soon as I had the power, and the help of my roommate). I was about to throw up when I saw him, and he acted like he had no idea whatsoever about what he did to me. Whenever I see someone that looks like him, I panic.


This happened to me when I was studying abroad, I didn't fully speak the language, and it was no use of going to the police there.


I don't mean to attack you, my message is meant as a warning. Of course things didn't go that far, but a FAIR amount of alcohol COULD make your mind so blurry that you don't know what you are doing. Believe me, the girl will remember it.


Don't cross the line when a girl clearly sets it. Even if YOU think she is sending mixed signals. Things like this are not a joke.


(thanks, OceanEyes)

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Yeah, you could have raped her. It wasn't funny at all.


I'm just happy I never dated anyone like you or.. DBL, but then I wouldn't let myself get in that position either.


... ^^: you and DBL will be the last on my list for dates. @_@ I love myself too much for that kinds of treatments.


DBL, you're way too popular with girls. @_@

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I was popular with the girls. Most girls thought what I did was funny. These girls I did these things to, they had their issues, they were not so innocent. I never did nothing like this to my future x wife. There is only one girl I regret what I did because she truly did not ask for or deserve the way I treated her. She was very loyal to me and I took advantage of that. For six years I been trying to figure out how to apologize to her. I humilated her in front of her family and friends.


Since i'm already here....


I was dating this girl for a few weeks. She was an alcoholic and had issues. Well one night she was wasted and I had to take her home, I had to be up for work in hours. So I take her home at 4am and she forgot her keys and her roommate was sleeping. She is all drunk and banging on the doors and yelling and screaming. She was so obnoxious I decided not to stay around and help, so I got back in my car and just left her there. She ended up having to sleep on the steps or something.



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i kissed my ex's good friend then broke up with my ex and got with his good friend (whom i kissed) 2 weeks later....


umm yeah....then during those 2 weeks that me and my current b/f were getting to know eachother but weren't exactly together....me and his best friend (who happened to be my best friend) desided to make out and have some fun...and he also had a g/f at the time....so i felt like i cheated on my b/f while he cheated on his g/f....and yeah...its a lil messed up....only a few of us know about that night...

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DBL wrote:


These girls I did these things to, they had their issues, they were not so innocent.


I know it seems like some girls out there, particularly the dirty promiscuous ones, deserve to be treated badly. But NO girl deserves to be treated like trash simply because "they had their issues" or "they weren't so innocent." It makes me sad to read stories like these.


As for me, the worst thing I've done is a bit psychotic, actually. I created an email account in my bf's ex's name, and wrote my bf an email asking to get back together. The plan backfired on me (I guess I spelled her name incorrectly), my bf figured out it was me because I had always had an issue with her. He replied that he wanted her to come over that night.


I got that email, and burst into tears on the spot. I confessed to him the same day, and he said he knew it was me and that it was a cruel joke since: 1) I underestimated his intelligence, thinking that he would fall for it, 2) I didn't trust him.


Needless to say, I will never pull a joke on him again. I guess what goes around comes around.

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Goodness! some of these stories are horrible, but i gotta say DBL, you're absolute EVIL!!


i personally don't understand how women can be attracted to a guy like you described yourself as being...i can see it happening, but i just don't get it. extremely low self-esteem they must have had. but i think it hurts you too because you must have had your own issues in order to do those things.


i'm so glad i don't have such stories to tell...i'm been relatively lucky in this...also helps that my self-esteeem is largely intact and i'm not psychotic enough to be attracted to a monster. all very wonderful men, physically and personality wise.


the only bad thing is being into causal sex and not knowing enough to know the other guy, who seemed fine with it might have been hurt. but i'm slowly patching it up. i have hopes!


p.s. i think ForAnother you're just at that immature stage where you think being a "tough" man is cool...i too have hopes you will get over that. you might not think "touching" is too bad, but sometimes it can be very degrading and humiliating. it hurts.

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hah thanks. Not quite, I have had my fair share of it. If you had been with the girls i have been with in the past you would have little respect for some girls.


I am starting to date a girl that I respect. I think you have to build up my respect or else you will get an ugly side. Its better that way, so i define who my friends are... and simply who are not.


I would not consider myself much of a jerk. I wouldn't consider myself entirely immature. I do have some childish moments, but I think I have a mind that reasons what I am doing. I know when I am being a jerk, I know what I am saying. I choose to perform because I believe in speaking your mind. Blunt is the way I communicate so...


We are animals, we live and we die. Enjoy your life, protect yourself, exploit yourself as much as you see fit. We all do thing somewhat based on instinct. I think girls are just as vicious as men. So don't give me any of that "respect women" BS.



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I read somewhere here that women may have issues and one of them may be considered being permiscuous... a woman to be permiscuous is not a freaking issue! When will people get that because a woman likes having sex and isnt ready to make a commitment to one guy makes her this horrible creature!??!!


Men have long been accepted for this and its ok for them. Well guess what women are human beings too and have sexual needs as well. If a woman is that in touch with her sexual side and does not need one or two partners only in her lifetime, good for her! and this is coming from a girl whos only had a few sexual partners by choice, however i do not look down upon a woman who has sex with 10 different guys (as long as these men were not married or in a relationship who the heck cares??)


DBL- I REALLY hope you have changed...woah


*Anyways the worst thing I ever did...I was dating this guy for about 8 mos. He was a complete jerk by now, with no aspirations in life. I was so sick and tired of him, we went to a friends party one night and there was this really gorgeous guy there that immidiately noticed me and made passes at me. My x got so drunk he passed out in one of the bedrooms, and I took the hot guy in the other room and had a lot of fun with him. I broke up with my x the very next morning. What a waste of 8 months...oh well that was a LONG time ago (yearssss)

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Agreed... women should be allowed and accepted no matter how many partners she has had. That doesn't bother me. I think its silly that guys can go and have 10 partners, while a girl would be considered a (can't put the name in, you know the word). I look at those kinds of girls as "girls who like to have fun" and that I like.



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i was out and my sister failed to get a taxi home. my boyfriend had already gone home so his mate said i could sleep at his.

*i was very very very very drunk*

i had always fancied this bloke so, um on the way to his house i seduced him and um slept with him.

*felt very very very guilty, nearly killed myself over it*

i told my boyfriend a month and a half later.

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