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Worst thing you've ever done in a relationship

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Hi there everyone!


I thought this would be an interesting topic. Everyone who is interested can admit their worst deed ever in a past relationship - I'm talking the worst thing you've ever done here. I think we've all done something horrible at some point or another (like standing up your prom date, ducking out of a bad date and not telling YOUR DATE that you were leaving, etc.).


Here's where we all come clean people - what have you done?

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I could probably take up a whole page on this topic but I will keep it modest.


I was dating this girl for a couple of weeks. She wanted to hang out one night and her friend was with her, so I brought my friend. At the bar I was kind of getting vibes from her friend...and her friend was looking pretty hot. After the bar we went back to my house to hang outside. The hot girl needed to use my phone, so I walked her in. On the way out I just grabbed her arm and pulled her into me. So here we are about 20 feet away from the girl I was dating, sticking my tongue down her best friends throat and playing touchy feely. The funny part was that the girl I was dating was with waiting with my friend. He caught what was going on, and I could hear her say "I hear kissing!, they better not be kissing" and my friend saying "I don't hear anything".


This was a double whammy for me...the girl I was dating got all pissed off and didn't want to be friends with her friend no more. So I got stuck with her. So I told her friend...I aint staying with you the whole night, you better go make up with your friend. I dropped her at her friends house that night and never even waited to see if she was able to get in the house.


I have so many more on this topic. I look back now...I'm definitely getting what I deserve now, but I had a pretty good time while it lasted.



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If you like that one, here is another....


This chick liked me and kept hounding me to hang out with me. But I was going to a party and I thought there may be some girls there, so why would I bring a girl right? Finally I gave in, good thing I did because there were no girls at the party!


Anyway...she was mad that I wasn't treating her so well, and said that I would not be getting any (you know what) that night. So I asked if I could speak to her privately. So we went to talk in the bathroom, as aggressive as I am I waste no time and tapped it. Everyone in the party knew what was going on cause a lot of people had to use the bathroom...thanks to selfish me, they couldn't. So I finish my job and as she starts getting dressed I open the door while she is getting dressed and walk out of the bathroom...I then go shake some hands, then left her at the party without saying goodbye. Some guys told me that I was mean, but they were just jealous. Most idolized me for that, they said she was crying and stuff after I left. I had to leave out some details because people still talk about this incident to this day and if they read it they will know who I am by the extra details. Anyway somehow I was made out a hero or something for treating her like crap. Guys would come up to me and laugh about it shake my hand and stuff. Pretty weird huh? Found out later she had a boyfriend anyway...so guess that evens everything out.


I also have another story about the girl above too and my curelty. Like I said I deserve everything I am going through now.



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Hey i done something like that.


I had a one nite stand. And she still liked me, so the next day she told me to come over... so I did to get some more. Well I got over there and she went to the bathroom. She came out and told me she was feeling some cramps. So I said "no point in riling me up then" so i got up and left.


I guess that was quite bad. She deserved it tho, she needs to learn a few things first.



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Thats a good one...that was funny.


Here is another one, the same girl as above.


I'm with this chick for like 3 weeks before she gave me anything. So one night she gives it up, it was all good. She tried to get comfy, but I said she had to go. So I walked her to door and said goodbye. She forgot her purse and came knocking at my door. I open the door said "here" and threw the purse in the yard for her to chase, then closed the door, shut the lights outside and went to sleep. I have to admit I was shocked that she called me up a month later to hook up.



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I think you guys are both mean! You shouldn't treat women like that! I'd kill the bloke if he ever did something like that to me!


Now umm, the worst thien I have ever done, even though I'm 14!, was I cheated on a bf with his brother and my bf walked in on us!



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the worst thing I ever did was hit a guy in the balls for getting to touchy feely with me. The only regret I have is that I didn't hit him hard enough.


LOL - good! I know exactly what you mean here too. I was at a club once and this group of Moroccan guys (one in particular), kept grabbing my butt and taking handfulls of my hair - yes, my hair - and smelling it. I kept telling them to get lost, but they either didn't understand English or they thought it was hilarious. All I wanted to do was have a good time, so after half an hour of this abuse, I threw a drink in one of their faces and had the bouncers toss them out - roughly. Some guys don't take "no" for an answer.


My story:


I was sort of dating this guy Adrian for a while. We weren't that serious, but I knew that he liked me. We made plans to meet up at his place, then he was going to take me out for dinner, then go to a couple of parties afterwards. Another guy that I had been talking to for a couple of weeks called and wanted to hang out, so I just ditched Adrian and went out with the other guy. Even though this was about 6 years ago, I'm still pretty ashamed.

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I had my dues paid as well. I was once used as a revenge tool for a girl. I didn't really like the girl much in the first place....I figure I was just getting me a some. One morning she calls up and says come pick me up. So I drive about 25 minutes to her house to pick her up. She gets in my car we start taking off and here this car comes flying up to me at a light. I told her I think your friends want to say hi. She said that was her boyfriend and his friends. So her boyfriend gets out of the car and walks up to my window talking trash, she tells me just ignore it. So I did. So the light turns green and flip him the bird and take off. So here I am on a main highway in a car chase. The chase got crazy, they ran me into curbs and stuff. I tried to take back roads all around to avoid being stopped at lights which did eventually happen. 4 guys get out and start banging on my car in the middle of the highway. She of course is apologizing to me for all the problems, like she was going to be all sincere now. Here I am still thinking that I will get away. End result she got out at the next light. Nobody ended up touching me. I just took my losses until I called her later that night and she admitted I was setup. The real end result was I waited outside her job for her boyfriend to be by himself. He ran like a little girl, but I did get him. Two of the guys I never seen again, and ironically the last guy I ran into him while working at a rehab. We were cool and we never mentioned the incident.


Two days prior to this incident this girl must of had some other boyfriends too...cause these two different guys kept following me around a mall where she worked. So me and a friend was on the escalator, and I told my friend when we get to the top just turn back around. These guys just squeaked by us carefully. So we ended up chasing them down in the mall, but they disappeared outside. They must of hid behind some cars.


So I was subjected to abuse as well I as I gave it.


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Ok I have another one...


I was dating this girl for a month once and the fair in town was open. So I stopped at her house and she was still getting ready and told me to come back in an hour. I said OK. So I go to the fair with a couple of friends and end up meeting up with this other girl. So I blew my girlfriend off. Me, my friends, the girl and her friends leave the fair and start hanging by my car. I'm all talking my game and my friends says "Uh Oh, look who is here". Yep my girlfriend showed up. So sent my friend to talk to her long enough so I could get this other girls phone number.



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Reading this, DBL I am happy not to be one of your 'chicks'... (I hate that word, major turn-off)


Anyway, I was mainly the one to receive the crap, but I did my things as well, of course.


There was a guy that I kissed at a party, and he wanted more. I made the stupid mistake of giving him my number, and he called me all the time. My housemates and I were sharing one phoneline at the time so I had them pick up the phone. First the one housemate told him I wasn't home. The second time she told me I was on holiday. The third time she told him I was in the hospital. We thought he'd got the message by that point but NO. The last time, my other housemate picked up the phone and told him acting he was crying, that I was dead. Pretty bad haha. He sure got the message after that, considering the amount of laughing of me and the other housemates in the background. No but really, he was trying to sleep with me right in the disco (that was after the phonenumberexchange), so I thought he deserved it.


Furthermore, I one time slapped a serious bf in the face out of frustration. He knocked me on the floor, it was the only time things ever got out of hand like this, and we both regretted it forever. That was really one of the ugliest moments in a relationship. He ended up treating me badly, but that was years later, but still I will never do that again. It hurts me still when I think about it.



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DBL... I love it..


I was makin out with this girl (I was kinda tipsy)... so I started to feel her up, and she stopped me and said you keep going and I will slap you. Hey I am a guy, you know what I did. So she slapped me. I said [PROFANITY DELETED] then I left.


Kinda silly...



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I wouldn't like getting into an argument in a mostly funny topic, but as a reaction to the last post of ForAnother: you should be careful. I am serious. If a girl sets her boundaries, you being a 'guy' is not an excuse for crossing those boundaries.


I was on a date and I kissed the guy. I didn't want anything more, but he drank too much and he was all over me all of the sudden. I told him I didn't want to go further. Over and over, I tried to tell him, and sort of wrestle him off. He was heavier than I am, and I was too tired to fight him off. He ended up having sex with me, and it was against my will, which I told him. It was a so-called date-rape. I will never be able to erase this from my mind.


This is merely an advise, I don't care personally if you are proud of these kind of stories, but don't cross the line when a girl says no. No means no.



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I understand. I am sorry that you got raped (yes i do consider that rape... in fact if I were you I woulda called the cops). I kind of knew the girl. I would never go that far drunk (just find it silly i suppose).


I am going to be a jerk... and I would say that I am proud of them, but in a funny way. Kinda just jokes to tell my buddies I suppose. It is stupid to do and I know that.



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I was makin out with this girl (I was kinda tipsy)... so I started to feel her up, and she stopped me and said you keep going and I will slap you. Hey I am a guy, you know what I did. So she slapped me. I said [PROFANITY DELETED] then I left.


ilse is right FA. This isn't something you should be proud of or brag about, regardless of excessive amounts of alcohol, or the fact that you are "a guy".

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Ocean Eyes I respect your opinion. I don't consider myself an underdeveloped moron. My mother and father brought me up to be respectable to women. In my opinion I believe I am quite respectable to them. It was a random hookup, and you always put yourself on the line when you do that. You know what kinds of things girls have done to me? It certaintly isn't one sided.


Girls can be equally cruel. Less physical, more of a mental attack. I would never force a girl into anything. I respect women's decisions. She told me not to, but as a joke I went for it and got slapped. And you know what I stopped. I got up and left the situation for that matter.


I suppose you take me as a underdeveloped moron. I like the fact that you are blunt (I am blunt myself). I don't mind being called it, however I don't believe that I am... perhaps others do, but I am living my life the way I believe is respectable, and enjoying myself while I can.



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