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Wife threatens sucide and using force, what can the husband do legally?


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here is the background info, i will keep it short.


husband has been telling his W he wanted out for the past 3 years, and left to work in another state. going back only maybe 4 times a year to run some errands for his grown up kids. this year, the two kids finally left home and he didn't find anymore reason to go back. so he told the W again he is serious about the divorce. and he begins preparing the divorce papers in his own place.


then the W appears in his place, finds out that he is serious about the divorce and starts to threaten suicide ( not the first time). she also refuses to leave his place. husband is pissed but doesn't know how to remove her. she had been the one not giving him love for the past 20 years, and said several times she regretted marrying him. this was the reason why his love and heart towards her died.


anyway, now the question is, can anything be done if the W refuses to remove herself from his place? does anyone know?

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just to add, when the husband had not left home, they had been sleeping in different rooms for more than 10 years, reason is the W didn't want the husband to touch her. She was happily living her own life that didn't involve her husband emotionally. all these years she didn't even want to sit beside the husband to watch a movie. the husband had been trying to save this marriage for 15 years before he gave up. he asked her several times what is wrong and she just said she regrets marrying him several times, but doesn't want divorce.


now facing a real divorce possibility, she said she loves him and can't live without him. but the husband seriously does not want her anymore and want to live a new life without her. he doesn't want her in his place, what can he do now?

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"I'll commit suicide!" - ok then, I will dial for an ambulance. "I will not leave! You can't make me!" - ok then, I will leave. Or I will call the police.


She can't just pop up and bully you if you don't let her.


Agreed. Call the ambulance and drop the emotional blackmail back in her lap. I doubt she will try that again. And even if she does try to commit suicide for real, it will be because she has deep psychological problems, which are not his fault nor his responsibility.

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thanks so much for all your replies. i will convey these suggestions to him.


he can't really leave his place anymore, because it is already the place he has left his home to start a new life. it is a small condo he bought for himself. he is also worried if he left her alone there, she will destroy the condo's interior. he is pretty broke now after spending all on his family and couldn't afford her destroy his last assets. would calling the police remove her from the premise? does anyone know?


thanks again so much!

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If she is trespassing, yes.


If she persists on threatening to kill herself, she can be charged with wasting police time.


Why is he even letting her in?

He has to be strong to get rid of her, no backing down or falling for guilt trips. Once he starts on this road, he must continue or he will never be free of her. There is always the option of a restraining order if push comes to shove.

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she arrived at his place from another state, and she said she will sleep on the street outside condo if he doesn't let her in, which was not safe. he is a soft hearted man. she is indeed trespassing because the condo doesn't have her name registered on it, and with the condo's management too. so i will again convey this to him, thanks a lot!


she bought ticket to go back this coming saturday but said she would not be going back anymore and would be staying. i think no choice, need police to remove her.....

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