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Readjusting to the boringness of everyday life?


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Over the last few months, I've been on sort of a fun, exciting emotional "journey". I found something to work for, and I pushed myself harder than I ever pushed myself. I visualized how happy I'd be if it all worked out, and I actually believed I could make it happen. But, as it turns out, for various reasons, I couldn't make it happen. The disappointment from it not working out has caused me to have some "lows", but due to the nature of things, part of me has this silly hope that things could still change in the next couple of months, and it could work out after all. Granted, that's highly unlikely, and I'm trying to force myself to see that and finally back out of this "journey" I've been on.


I think one of the things I've been having trouble with is that it's hard to go back to the boringness of every day life. It's not very often things invoke such an emotional response from me that I actually figure out what I want and push myself to work for it. I was able to visualize what my life would be like if things had worked out the way I wished them to (and, in fact, had things worked out, I would've started another new, exciting "journey"), and it's just kinda disappointing to snap back into reality, where I have nothing much going on and my goals are all "bigger picture" stuff that will take awhile for me to attain.


So, I dunno, I guess what I'm asking is, how do I "readjust" to be okay with things being the way they were before I had the fun of excitement of chasing after something I really thought I could make happen?

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You KNOW how to re-adjust. "Re-adjust" MEANS *adapt* which itself denotes *time*. That's not what you're asking.


What you're asking is, What was it about this phase and why?


Easy: Journey. Journey, journey, journey. The goal, the arrival, wasn't the point - which is WHY you point out that this journey would have led to ANOTHER - quote - EXCITING journey.


You lack mystery, ...anticipation.. *mental challenge thus stimulation* in the present. You need a mentally taxing and hopefully never-ending, always-changing HOBBY.



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Well, as the saying goes: The journey is the reward. I would say it's helpful to remember that dreams and achieving goals are not one-time deals. Although it's hard to come back to earth, you know now that you can have other goals to work toward that will bring you that 'high'. In the meantime, relax and don't be looking back with an "if only" attitude. Look forward. It's a good skill in life to have to be happy and grateful with small things. It sounds cliche, but enjoy the sunset, a cup of coffee with a friend, a good hike, the laughter of a child. That kind of thing. And know that you can set more goals and that more journeys will come along, so you have something to look forward to.

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I try not to work towards a bigger goal, because I'd always feel disappointed not knowing how far away it is. I focus on making small changes that may lead somewhere. Whatever you do in life, you'll go somewhere, but the key is DOING things. For example, my life goal is to be Grade 8 Piano. I'm Grade 5 right now. But the goal is plucking up the motivation to ring my old school teacher and asking him to teach me! When I've done that, I'll feel quite happy with myself. I never aimed to get to Grade 5 in the first place, but small steps in your journey sometimes lead somewhere you never thought you'd be. And even if they don't, you might take a detour and meet new people and see new places, and they might inspire you to take a whole new direction in life. Think about your goals for next week, not next year. Good luck

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So, I dunno, I guess what I'm asking is, how do I "readjust" to be okay with things being the way they were before I had the fun of excitement of chasing after something I really thought I could make happen?


Whenever I get really bored with everyday life, I try to incorporate volunteering. Just because I can get down on myself, and helping someone else (like the food bank, or seniors) is really fulfilling.


There are so many volunteer positions available at this time of year, and so many people in need...

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