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How do i know if she Likes Me?


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It sounds like she may like you but is shy. I am one of those shy girls that won't look at someone I like because I get all embarrassed because I feel like it is written accross my forehead. With this girl you will probably just have to bite the bullet and ask her out! Good Luck!

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It took me a while to be able to look my boyfriend in the face when we were talking. I used to just stare down at the ground or my hands when we talked. It's all just to do with shyness. Once you get to know each other well enough and you're comfortable with one another she won't have any problems looking you in the eye.


Good luck!

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A w W w


thats so cute...i remember when i use to be like that...Some guys dig that because they never know what your thinking. But some guys hate it because they never know what your thinking. Haha...Shes good on my list.

ide approach her with something like hey "how ya doin"

Pointer- Be confident...Girls dig guy who are risk takers and have tons of self esteeme...NOT to much tho lol...Just keep it friendly..Eye contact ???


You should maintain it even if she is shy. Just tell her somethings in her eye...or something ya kno?

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Hmm..maybe she does! She sounds like a shy girl. Try to strike up a conversation with her. If you feel that 'vibe', and kinda sense that she does like you, then continue on talking to her. If she doesn't have interest, then you'll feel that negative vibe as well. You'll never know unless if you try, right? I have a good feeling that she likes you. I bet you that your instincts are pretty keen about this. Go for it! If all else fails, then at least you know that you can walk away feeling proud for trying.


Oh, and when you do talk to her, say something polite. Keep things innocent, especially for your first initiation. You want to make a good first impression. Say, "Hi!" Then, leave it at that. It's short, simple, and sweet! That gesture subtly conveys, "I have an innocent crush on you" without scaring her off too much. I'm sure that she'll get the clue. Proceed with caution..Good luck to you!

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How many times did you notice her look at you? You know how sometimes you just kind of gaze off into space but you're not really looking at someone. Someone could actually mistaken that as staring at them when they're really not. Could it be that?


Or if she really did stared at you cuz she likes you then maybe you could befriend the friends she hangs with. Then you could start off by saying hi to her and doing some polite talks, and see where you go from there.

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