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AM get the wrong tradeoffs


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seeing all the wm/af couples and more every yr i wonder as a asian male. i got a feeling for most AM unless ur rich or got some great education backing u up-most AF would rather trade off for the WM than the AM. not sure what us AM or i am going to do

the thing is WF wouldn't even want us AM.

i am a CBC chinese and i have a harder time with the CBC who did reject me-proabably b/c i am chinese and she only dates white, than with a pinoy girl who is actually talkin to me, i even had a WF talk to me but not sure if she really is interested.

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Well, I'm not sure if I got all the abbreviations right but i think AM and WF mean "Asian male" and "white female." Sorry I dont know what CBC means.


I am a white female dating an Asian male. We have been together for almost two and half years. His family does have a good bit of money, but I didn't know that until this past summer, after we'd been together for 2 years. It doesn't really change my opinion.


I honestly think this just depends on the girl. I think Asian men are quite attractive (well actually I think all races have some pretty attractive men), and I know many girls who agree with me ... of all races. Sure there are plenty of shallow girls and gold-diggers out there, but there are also plenty of women who aren't going to judge you based on your race.

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