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birth control- has anyone ever used aviane (alesse)?

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hey all!!

ive been on the birth control pill mircette for a few months, but ive been having pretty severe mood swings (last night was terrible, so was this morning), and a lowered libido. anyway, i went to the doctor today and we're trying a lower progestin pill called aviane (the generic form of alesse). does anyone out there know anything about this oral contraceptive? id like to hear what other peoples experiences have been if they've tried it. thanks in advance!!

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I just started using alesse. I've been taking it for just under a week now and have not had any severe mood swings. I was a bit emotional for the first few days and I worried I might get depressed. But the emotions have died down now and I feel like myself again. It is very mild, thats why my doctor prescribed it. I haven't noticed a change in libido but I did notice that my skin looks good.

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I have been on avianne/alesse for a year now. I switched from Desogen/Apri because I had a low libido.


No side effects from Avianne/alesse, but I still suffer a low libido, which improves the week i am taking the placebo pill. My gyno said this is not uncommon with the pill (I think the extra estrogen couneracts any free testosterone in your body), that I can switch pills again, but pretty much doubts it will do much.


hope this helps!

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