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questions for dumpees

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1. Do you still love me?

2. Are you seeing someone else?


1. If my ex had the nerve to ask me that (right now), I would first comment on his pair of steel basketballs, then ask him why he wants to know, and then tell him to give me a break.


2. My ex just asked me that, and I think I drove him a little nuts with my answer. "I don't think it's the right time to discuss these things." Leave 'em hanging.


The truth? Yes, I still love him and no I'm not seeing anyone. That's not his business, though, and if he wants to know so bad, then I need to know why he's being inquisitive. It's only fair, eh?

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I doubt my ex would ever ask. He's too wrapped up in feeling guilt for hurting me, and is afraid to hurt me more, so he probably would never never ask me those questions, unless he wanted to get back together.


Quite frankly, I know he would be very hurt if he knew I were dating someone else, but that's not my problem or his business. He left because he needed to resolve some issues (finally grieving his wife's death) and be there 100% for his kids (17 & 20). He didn't go because he didn't love me or because he didn't want what I wanted -- at least that's what he told me. I told him that I was willing to wait until thiings were resolved. However, he also told me that there are no guarantees in life and it would be unfair for me to put my life on hold until things were resolved, so who knows what is going on in his head.


The truth is, I still love my ex (and I know he loves me), and would I tell him if I were seeing someone else, yes I would. If I decided to move on, I have enough respect for him to tell him, as I have asked he tell me. However, I know if he were to start seeing someone else, he would feel tremendous guilt, since basically he is telling me he is NOT in a position to be in any relationship right now, so if I suddenly found out he was dating someone new, everything he said suddenly becomes a pack of lies.


However, life does go on, and I expect at some point, he might feel that he is ready, but also might feel that he did too much damage and decide to take the easy way out, and just date someone new. Only time will tell.

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1. do you still love me?

2. are you seeing anyone?


1. Ya I do love you and I don't think I'd ever stop loving you, but I don't see how it really matters unless you take it somewhere, as I've accepted it long ago and have been successful in dating other women without letting it get in the way.


2. I don't see how that's relevent to anything, but seeing is how you asked me and all I am/am not dating someone (depending on if I really was or not and if I wasn't I would say "i'm not dating someone, but I'm keeping my options open for when another girl comes around").

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Hey, I just sent you a PM.


You asked if we should be nicer re: the whole "mind your business" issue. I guess it depends on how the relationship ended. In my case, my boyfriend realized he was not mature enough to handle me at that point in his life. I was a horrible mess at first, but since I've made myself completely unavailable, he's been trying to worm his way back.


The reason I would not give him a straight answer is because a) considering how badly I was treated (the breakup entirely) I don't think he deserves to know the details of my personal life - if it eats at him, then that's tough. and b) Unless he admits his motives for asking, I'm not going to give him the OK by saying "No, I'm not" to let him lounge around in idiotville for awhile longer until he's ready for me. What I mean is, if your ex asks you if you're seeing someone and isn't directly coming out and telling you that they want another shot, then by you saying "Well, no, no I'm not" you're pretty much giving them the power again. It's like giving a lazy college kid an extension on their thesis.


I think you'll be doing yourself a favor if you don't let them know too much about what's going on in your life. Let them paw for it a little bit.

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Answer to first question : I dont think I'm in love with you anymore. The love I once had for you is fading day after day.


Answer to second question: I've met very nice girls since you left and I think I finally found someone. I love her very much and I've never experienced something that intense my whole life. I just hope its going to work with her.


I will finally thank her for asking the questions and wish her a very nice day.



***English is my second language***

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if your ex asks you if you're seeing someone and isn't directly coming out and telling you that they want another shot, then by you saying "Well, no, no I'm not" you're pretty much giving them the power again. It's like giving a lazy college kid an extension on their thesis.


haha, exaclty! but what i meant by 'be nicer' was that showin our ex we can now control our emotion and no matter what they think or say wont affect us. we're happy, busy, attractive, and misterious.





are u really get over ur ex? great for u then!





ouch! but remember all of us are so emotional in the first weeks of break up. it's never been easy to anyone.

its so sad anyway when those words come from someone whom we shared beautiful moment with b4.



thank u for ur participations!


others maybe?

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Popo: Yep, I really think Im over her. I saw her last night. She was with her new boyfriend. I talked to both of them (very short conversation) and It didnt affect me very much. Its been nearly 11 months since she left so I guess Its time to move on. I dont feel lonely anymore. I stopped crying a long time ago. I almost dont have "down" days. I have started dating and I truly enjoy it. And I just met a very special girl. We see each other few times a week and I hope it will work. I now think that the break-up was a good thing. I've learned from my mistakes and Im a better person because of it.



***English is my second language***

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i asked indirectly to her this was her reply, after i added all those things up:


Her perspective:

1) No (because i got a new guy)

2) Yes (he's so great hehe bla bla bla, whatever...)


this is what i would say:

1) No (it would be yes, if her family asked, or if she coerced me into saying it)

(reality, crap, i miss you like hell, but you'll never understand, after all, you jumped the bloody boat first, what's the point in missin you seriously? you threw out what we had by seeing that new guy of yours)

2) Meeting new people's fun, but i have a few people in mind, and it's been fun

(reality, no i haven't, you still have my bleeding heart, and i would really like it back, you leech, i hate you miss you love you, but it means nothing, i just can't wait to meet someone who's a lot better than you so i can finally move on)

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thanx for the answer!


i'm with u for the 1st question coz that was my answer too. if my ex trust it, well babe, u know me better than that!

for the 2nd one, i guess i'll ask him y he ask in the 1st place coz just like Hannibal said 'people always have a motive behind asking questions.' then i'll go with ur answer again.


thank u all for participating

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Hi popo,


In answer to your questions:


1. Do you still love me?


lol, my ex has not asked me this and will probably never ask it. Why? she said herself 'I know you love me' (without me saying anything) and if I compliment her she will say 'you only say that cause you love me'. So I guess she doesn't need to ask. She sees it in the way I treat her. But if she did I would be honest and say 'Yes'


2. Are you seeing someone else?


My ex pretends to not want to know if I am or not, but if I mention that I am going out she will always indirectly try to find out who I am going with. Or if she has not seen me or heard from me for a few days she will try and find out what I am up to.


If she asked me directly I would want to know why she wanted to know. I wouldn't tell if I was or not. The way I see it if she wanted me back she would have to come out and say it, not beat around the bush. She would have to take the chance of getting emotionally burnt. After all, if she was so sure that she wanted to end it when she did, she would have to be equally sure that she wanted me back if she did.


That's my opinion

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Break up Veteran,


i'm still showing my interest though i said i didnt love him anymore. so better let him guessing which one to trust, my words or his intuition.


I wouldn't tell if I was or not.


this' what i did but he keep asking me this!!


The way I see it if she wanted me back she would have to come out and say it, not beat around the bush. She would have to take the chance of getting emotionally burnt


yes, but sometimes we just dont want to loose chances of getting back and try to find a way to make exes 'come out and say it' FASTER


thank u for ur respons

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1. Do you still love me?



Yes, but not in the same way I did. More of a friendly/familial love. He and I are still friends, so I do love him, but not to the passionate extent I did, or know I should with someone and that they should return to me!


2. Are you seeing someone else?


Yes. He already knows I am dating here and there, and he asked that if I got serious with someone that I would let him know. I think that moment is approaching. We are friends, and do see each other, so it is only right to tell him I think given he and I do spend time together and should know what is up in my life, as me being serious with someone will also affect some of the things my ex and I do (like go to trips/races together)!



those two answers are the truth or not? and why?


Yes, they are, for reasons I mentioned above. I am an open and honest person, and don't believe in hiding things - he broke up with me, I have no reason to hide from him.

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1. Do you still love me?


Why are you asking me this question? What do you think? (just like a psychologist does, you answer a question with a question)



2. Are you seeing someone else?


I can not confirm not deny that I am seeing anyone else. So what have you been up to? How is your life going?

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this is what i'm afraid of. trapped in the friends zone. u make me think that those questions were asked coz he wanted to know what was up with me as FRIEND





what if ur ex say 'those are not the answers' or 'u're not answering my questions'. coz with my ex, i cant play words!!


again, thank u for answering!!

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