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Break up via text qns for dumper and dumpee


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I was dumped via text. It felt horrible.

If someone cares or at least respects the other, he/she shouldnt text or email or even call ( unless its still the dating stage).

Texting wold cut short all the questions that the other would ask, its easier ; you just type something. I would say those who dont have the guts or those that a*** would so such thing.

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It felt very disrespectful and back-stubbing and made my self-esteem sink for a long time. Like me and our 3+ year relationship was all a lie and had meant nothing to him. There was no abuse or cheating on my part - nothing to deserve such a way of ending things. In time I realized it was all about him being a SELFISH COWARD lacking basic relationship communication skills who won't do confrontation/deal with the difficult consequences of his choices rather than me having done something bad to deserve it but I still hurt when I remember it. It was adding insult to hurt and it magnified and prolonged my pain. In that sense the medium DOES matter but some dumpers are so focused on getting out that they don't think about not magnifying the other's pain, just minimizing THEIR discomfort. I wish people wouldn't do it but one has no control over other people. Dumpees in such a scenario should focus on the message (i.e. the relationship is over) rather than the way it was done.

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