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Break-Up with Boyfriend dealing with Depression


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My boyfriend was (is) going through some kind of depression. He broke up with me the day before Thanksgiving saying because of his depression he was physically exhausted all the time and just couldn't be the man I needed. I know for a fact that he wasn't cheating.

In the past when he would get scared that he wasn't enough we would talk through his negative feelings and he would totally come around....this time after doing it countless times, I was just too mentally and emotionally drained to do it anymore. There were no words that even came to mind. All I could think we: After all I did to hang in there with you, support you, love you, cook for you, pray for you, WAIT for you - and you turn around and dump me?


I didn't say a word to him. I was completely numb. And I was completely done!

I didn't cry or pout. I didn't try to talk him out of leaving me. I didn't say one damn word to him. I couldn't even look him in the face! I just stood up, grabbed an empty packing box and gathered his all the things he had left around my house. I ALSO gathered every gift he'd ever gave me. I put them all in that box, put it in his hands, opened the front door, said Bye and walked away.

I am on day 5 of my NC. I miss him and want him back, but not in the state that he's in now. I'm hoping NC (amd giving him back all his gifts) will make him wake up. I had enough heart and concerned for his mental state to text him and say I'd be there for him if he needs me, but other than that, take care of yourself.


Did I handle this correctly?

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