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Lately, things with my boyfriend have been going downhill incredibly fast. He doesn't show he cares, never calls, etc. (You can learn more about how nasty he's been in my previous posts... There's even posts about our breakups from during that time...)


Well, I just don't know anymore... I love him very much, but I need to be treated right. And there is another guy that I have been thinking about a lot lately. This is mostly what the question is about.


Well, this guy is smart, sweet, funny, a good dancer, and everything. We met a few years back on a trip I took. So, needless to say, he is long distance. He lives more South a couple hours away (while my boyfriend is more North a couple hours away).


I've been thinking about him a lot; However, I have not talked to him in over a year. I have talked to his brother on a couple occasions via instant messanger and said, "Tell your brother to call me, I miss him!"


I did have feelings for this guy and vice versa. He hadn't told his brother yet, because he doesn't see him much.


Although I know a relationship probably would not be feasable, I would like to talk to him. I don't want to freak anyone out. How much should I push it?


He's fairly difficult to get a hold of seeing as how I don't have his number anymore and he is never online.


So, yeah, I just want to know how should I pursue SOMETHING (without getting serious, mind you).


And should I just end it with my boyfriend since these feelings are coming back?


P.S. The reason this is all coming back to me is because I was looking through some pictures... He's just a very awesome guy.

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If your boyfriend doesn't treat you the way you want to be treated, then you need to talk to him about it. If he still doesn't treat you with the respect you deserve, then he's not worth it.


I have read some of your previous posts about your boyfriend. I read that he even cheated on you. Honestly, I don't think he is worth your time anymore. Especially after cheating on you. He messed up big time with that one. Its going to be hard to trust him, especially when he lives far away and you don't know whats going on with him every moment.


Who knows what could happen with this other guy. Maybe something serious will start, maybe just a friendship. However, this other guy has nothing to do with anything right now (besides the fact that you are having feelings for him). Right now, you just have to figure things out with your boyfriend. Do what you feel you need to do.

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If he's cheated on you and continuously is overtly disrespectful to you and you're thinking of being with someone else then it's best just to end the relationship because it's obvious there's no respect or trust and those are two things that should be at the basis of any relationship.

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Dear lillady - You should ditch your jerk boyfriend. You deserve to be treated better than that, and I'm glad that you see that.


You should e-mail or call the other guy that you like but haven't seen in a year. Just say, "Hi - I came accross some old photos of us, and I just wanted to see how you're doing." I'm sure it would be nice to get in touch with him again, and he'd probably be pleasantly surprised to hear from you. He may be involved with someone else now, so don't get your hopes too high.


Good luck!

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