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I am messing up bad right now


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I have been speaking to 2 ex's on Facebook recently, i think i am very lonely. I got fired last week, and yesterday i got drunk which is something that is not of my character. I think everything was getting weird because i bought some batman costume went to this bar my friend works at, sat down for 2 hours being bored, finally people started to come and this couple asked me to sit down with them. I went to meet women but then this guy started talking to me (he was gay), i didn't mind that he was gay or anything and i was drunk a little so i just wanted to talk to them and hang out. But then he starts flirting with me and asking me these questions about my sexuality and stuff, next thing i know i realized he was hitting on me and i was like geez why i am wasting time talking to this guy when i should be trying to get numbers and stuff.


Then i smoked some bud outside with my friends which i normally don't do because i wanted to have fun. But with the liquor i had been drinking and it being so crowded i realized that i was freaking out a little and feeling dizzy. Finally the bartender's (my friend Saskia who i have a little crush on) bf came and it was then that i realized i need to get home before i make a fool of myself plus i was getting tired.


The next day i wake up at 8:30 am hung over and feeling like i spent all that money on costume and drinks and didn't even have a good time, finally around 12:30 am i contacted this girl who i know i shouldn't have and 9 minutes later she contacts me back. Now i am thinking dude what the **** are you doing because i don't remember even sending her a message and wanted to end it with her but i can't stop thinking about her.


What is wrong with me i need to stop regressing ( i think hurricane sandy triggered the whole episode to be honest and staying in the house for the past 5 days got me depressed).

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I think you're ok. Sounds like a down phase to me, nothing major. After my break up I did multiple things that were waaaay out of character for me just because I was so upset.

Just try to not do anything you really will regret. Nothing major or permanent. And maybe when you're about to do something (buy something you can't afford, text a girl) stop, breathe, and ask yourself if you really want to. Have you tried yoga or exercise? Centering makes you feel wonderful when youre a little lost.


Good luck!

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You're going to be fine my man. I understand what it feels like to be lonely, I experience that more often then I'd like to admit. I also lost my job in September and started working at another store and have disliked it the entire time. I don't think I'm going to stick with it and it causes a lot of stress for me. As far as contacting exs it is common for men and women so don't get down on yourself for it, especially when it is done during a bender. What you need to do immediately is cease contact with those exs since you realize that they aren't good for you. You're just going to re-open wounds and confuse yourself more then you are already feeling.

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Yeah, i have been thinking the same. I know like 3 miles from where i live was blackouts and near my neighborhood a lot of knocked out trees. All the trains flooded, everything is pretty crappy in general city in a state of disarray, maybe things will be normal soon as people started going to work today. I think the worst thing right now is traffic, everywhere you go highways are backed up really bad, there is a mandatory requirement to take 3 people just to cross a bridge.


Fyi Shooting Star, i didn't waste good bud i actually had a very thrilling bike ride home, i bet some people were wondering why batman would be riding a bike when he has a jet, a boat and a car, but they probably realized that he is so fast on that bike that he didn't need to waste money the gas anyways.

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