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I believe it is influenced by many factors. The same way that asexuality is, the same way that bisexuality is, and the same way that pedophilia is, and the same way that bestiality is. The same way that heterosexuality is... The whole debate of Nature vs Nurture.


I think Nurture has a HUGE effect on sexuality, and I believe that the natural order of things is hetero sexuality.


Are you gay or bi EQ?

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I believe it is influenced by many factors. The same way that asexuality is, the same way that bisexuality is, and the same way that pedophilia is, and the same way that bestiality is. The same way that heterosexuality is... The whole debate of Nature vs Nurture.


I think Nurture has a HUGE effect on sexuality, and I believe that the natural order of things is hetero sexuality.


Given that we tend to see variances in animal populations at very similar %s that we see in the human population, there's also a strong likelihood that those variances are also highly genetic to some degree.


But ultimately the nature vs. nuture debate is irrelevant. So is the choice vs. genetic argument. What matters is someone's happiness and whether any harm is done.

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But ultimately the nature vs. nuture debate is irrelevant. So is the choice vs. genetic argument. What matters is someone's happiness and whether any harm is done.


There are large and powerful political parties in the world that disagree and want to legislate based on this. If we treat it as irrelevant, they win.

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How convenient and nice for you that you were nurtured to belong with the natural order of things


Thank you If you go back and read my post after edit, you will see that while I don't find those things to be natural, I don't think they should be illegal either. We should all be on an even playing field.

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Thank you If you go back and read my post after edit' date=' you will see that while I don't find those things to be natural, I don't think they should be illegal either. We should all be on an even playing field.[/quote']


I never thought you did want them to be illegal that would be silly. Although, if I did have a choice, to be honest I would get the hell out of this bisexuality nuture has thrown at me and go full lesbian. It would be a simpler life if we could pick and choose what sexuality we wanted to be. I'm sure even Asexuals would give it a try in that case.

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I never thought you did want them to be illegal that would be silly. Although, if I did have a choice, to be honest I would get the hell out of this bisexuality nuture has thrown at me and go full lesbian. It would be a simpler life if we could pick and choose what sexuality we wanted to be. I'm sure even Asexuals would give it a try in that case.


Same here. I'm bisexual and I hate it. I'd rather just be hetero. I just lie and say I'm straight to people and ignore the fact that I've been with girls in the past.

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I never thought you did want them to be illegal that would be silly. Although, if I did have a choice, to be honest I would get the hell out of this bisexuality nuture has thrown at me and go full lesbian. It would be a simpler life if we could pick and choose what sexuality we wanted to be. I'm sure even Asexuals would give it a try in that case.


So are you cool with the idea that it is a natural sexual orientation to be sexually attracted to animals?

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I think the problem here is that people have differing definitions of natural.


If you mean natural by "the way nature intended" then yes, nothing other than heterosexual is natural. Because we are supposed to reproduce.

However, when most people say "its not natural" they mean it in a degrading, hurtful way, and nothing more.

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Honestly, who cares if it's "natural" or not? To me, it's a moot point. Are you happy being asexual? Yes? Then be asexual.


I think the whole "nature intended" argument is just mostly a load of bull. And if you are supportive of people doing what makes them happy (barring hurting people/animals) then why does it matter if it's "natural" or not?

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So are you cool with the idea that it is a natural sexual orientation to be sexually attracted to animals?


That escalated quickly.


Alright, I'll indulge you with an answer.


Acting on Zoophilia is animal abuse.

Acting on Paedophilia is child abuse.

If your sexual orientation is to want to abuse something, then no, it isn't "natural" in that sense. I think it's a "glitch" in the sexual orientation hand-out alonside necrophilia and any other "philia" that does not describe a consenting adult.


Wanting a consenting companion sexually is natural. Wanting to conceive with said companion is sometimes not possible.


Answer good enough?

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Oh well if you mean me, I was just throwing my two cents in XD I don't care what orientation someone is. I'm an avid LGBT supporter too


I was more addressing EQ with the "well it's not natural" comment.


I would consider myself pretty neutral on the LGBT front. I don't really support or deride that community, I just let them be. I just hate the whole "natural" argument.

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I dream of the day when people shut the hell up about what they want to do with whom. I. Don't. Care.


Seriously. Talk to me about politics, religion, what you wanted to be as a kid and why that didn't happen, your favorite color.....anything other than what gets you off. I realize we're not at an even playing field yet as a society in terms of accepting all orientations, but dream with me of a day 10, 20, 100 years in the future when discussing who you like sleeping with is akin to talking about the dump you took this morning.

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I just find the double standard amusing. In the past homosexuality was illegal, viewed as wrong, as depraved, sexual deviants. If thinking of homosexuality these days in this manner is seen as homophobic, why don't we just drop all the double-standards, and make it so that so long as no other human being is being hurt, everything is "good to go".

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I just find the double standard amusing. In the past homosexuality was illegal' date=' viewed as wrong, as depraved, sexual deviants. If thinking of homosexuality these days in this manner is seen as homophobic, why don't we just drop all the double-standards, and make it so that so long as no other human being is being hurt, everything is "good to go".[/quote']


I believe that was the church who stepped in. Before that it was all "Orgy and wine anyone?"

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I believe that was the church who stepped in. Before that it was all "Orgy and wine anyone?"


There we go. So lets free-up as a society, and let people that want to have sex with animals do so (has been happening for thousands of years). Have sex with their siblings/parents (if overage/mature enough) do so (also been happening for thousands of years). Have sex with dead bodies, human or otherwise, do so (I have no idea when this crazy sh.t started, but what the heck, why not? It's the same as making a gel doll and having sex with it).


Why are these things viewed as wrong? Why are they illegal? People are imposing morality on these issues, but refute morality on other ones... makes no sense to me.

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Why are these things viewed as wrong? Why are they illegal? People are imposing morality on these issues' date=' but refute morality on other ones... makes no sense to me.[/quote']


Its a consent thing I'm pretty sure. Dead bodies can't consent (and people find it disrespectful). And no matter what science says about animals being able to consent or not, there's always going to be the activists who think it's wrong.




....haha what the heck has this thread become

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Eating animals is not the same as screwing an animal. We eat animals to get nourishment and protein and I think it's best to kill the animals humanely so they don't feel pain. Having sexual intercourse with animals can cause pain and they can't consent to sexual contact.


I believe necrophilia is wrong because dead bodies can't consent.


Basically, when it comes to sexual contact, it's all about consent. That's my belief.

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I can't continue this as you've already stated that having sex with someone of the opposite sex is in the same "unnatural" category as having sex with an animal LOL.

In terms of needing to reproduce, then yes - it is impossible to reproduce without the female egg and the male sperm. I think in terms of love and companionship however, screwing a sheep is definitely more on the unnatural scale than being sexual with someone of the same sex as you. But whatever - if it isn't "natural", then it must be choice? I don't know what part of my "nurturing" would cause me to be bisexual, I just was. *shrugs*. But I'm only young, maybe I'll find a nice handsome possum to take me down the aisle.

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So let me get this straight. We can imprison, kill at will, feed them their own feces (happens with pigs), genetically mutate them, but we can't have sex with them. Damn I would rather someone screw me than imprison me for my whole life, feed me a ration, genetically play with my body, give me growth hormones, and kill me, for food or skin. I don't get the consent argument when it comes to animals.


Dead bodies can't consent. They can't feel, or think either. It's a pile of organic matter, much like your food left overs. When you start arguing disrespect, that is based on religious, or some arbitrary moral standard that is determined by what society in general deem as respectful or not. In the past, the manner in which many of us dresses would be considered disrespectful... it is a subjective thing.


I am not even arguing the natural thing anymore... I find these things to be very unnatural. I just fail to understand, why they are illegal.


Same goes with drugs and cigarettes. Cigarettes are legal, then lets legalize, marijuana, cocaine, crack, LSD, heroin, meth... etc. Why should we determine what is okay to put in your own body? You should have full control over your body and what you consume. Free will no? So long as you ain't stealing to buy it, I fail to see why it is illegal. Again, a moral standard set arbitrarily.

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