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So I've offended someone but don't know why??


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I used to live with my best friends, a gay couple, who this year got a place on their own. One of their sisters has recently moved in temporarily while she sorts her life out. I've always got on well with her the last five years, we've never had any sort of disagreement or anything and hung out whenever she was in town before she moved here. Last week we were chatting on Facebook and she was tagging pictures everywhere on my page. Now it seems, without explanation or reason, that she's blocked me.


One of the guys says he doesn't understand it and said he would ask her, but now he's backtracked saying he wants nothing to do with it (which is fair enough, he shouldn't be caught in the middle of this, whatever it is). I hate confronting people but this makes things really awkward and I can't for the life of me figure out what I've done wrong - and if I have screwed up if there's any way I can fix it!


Should I just leave it and act like nothing's happened next time I see her, or send her a polite email asking what's going on? I swear Facebook is more trouble than it's worth sometimes...but at least I kind of know I've done something wrong, as you can't accidentally block someone. I go to their house a lot to hang out and really don't want to be in her company if she's silently angry at me.

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If you are friendly with her, then why not "speak" to her and ask whats up, if you unknowingly offended her then be the grown-up and say something. Stop relying on gadgets to communicate, and actually hold a conversation. The problem with Facebook, twitter, texting etc. is that is destroys the art of conversation and social interaction.


Its funny how Facebook seems to control and influence peoples lives. You are right it is more trouble that its worth. I personally hate Facebook with a passion, it has its merits but can be very destructive to "relationships". Why people would want to exhibit their lives, broadcast their business does not compute to me (but that is whole nother story...rant over) lol.

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