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10 Year Anniversary Tomorrow - Son's B-Ball Game

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My son has a baseball game tomorrow night. My soon to be Ex-Wife has the kids tomrrow night. It also happens to be my 10th Wedding Anniversary. Divorce will be final in a matter of weeks.


I was thinking about not going to the game, given what day it is...because it will be rather difficult for me to see my Wife.


However, if I don't go (which I hardly ever miss a game)she will know I'm not there because of that reason.


I don't know that I want to go her that benefit....

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He is your family , these games are important for you ...and your son ...the anniversary ..although a reminder of the past...it's the past and nothing more


watching your son play baseball ... is priceless... so make sure you go, because he is a part of your future....



good luck, these are tough times...

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