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Every day just gets worse


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He broke up with me 6 mnths ago but to my freinds and family ive healed but the truth is am far from healing i just dont know what to do anymore my friend and her boyfriend have just gone on holiday to mexico we were ment to be going with them but we couldnt afford to go because of his cocaine habit my aunty passed away 3 days ago i just feel really alone

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*hugs* don't worry you are not alone, we are here for you always ^_^ ,


I think you should be happy that a drug user is gone from your life, but even drug users are human beings, and seemingly you loved him with all your heart, in life we lose many things, and for that reason we need to understand that we are temporary managers of love, just like the ocean gives life and then eventually takes it back away, we need to understand that this is part of the flow of life, a relationship needs to go both ways, and reality is that a partner can pack their bags and leave any day, for that reason we need a life of our own to fall back on. The only thing i can advice you is to pick up the shards of your life, glue them back together and move on, this because your bf made this decision on his own account and you have to respect that even tho it frustrates the hell out of you, the only thing that can replace an ex bf is a new bf, there's many more great people out there, so although its really sad that it happened , you should understand its a dead end road, you need to turn your car around and head back to the main highway of life towards the goals that you strife for in life.

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