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New friend...


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I think I just need to vent...


So I have this new friend (girl) I've been hanging out with lately and we both get along well and have fun together. We both ride motorbikes so that's how we met and she also likes riding pillion on the back of mine. I've also got this other friend (guy from the same group) that is friends with her too and I know they go on rides too. I asked her tonight if she wanted to go for a ride Sat night with me, but she replied saying she was already going riding with my other friend. Suddenly a wave of jealousy came over me and I don't know why because we're just friends. I don't know if he's keen on her and I'm not sure if this is from him trying to date my ex very soon after we broke up about 2 months ago, or that I'm just a jealous person.

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Well... I think you have reason to feel jealous...


When I was in college, there was a guy in our group of friends like this. We'll call him "Joe". Whenever a couple would breakup, Joe would be there by the girl's side comforting her. Next thing you know... Joe and the girl would be a couple. It was totally awkward for everyone. It was awkward for us friends, it was awkward for the ex, it was just awkward.


Now it looks like you are into the same girl. She's dating both of you (and yes - it's a date if you are from the same group of friends, she's going riding with someone you know and she didn't say "wanna come?" - that's what pure platonic friends do...). So you feel like you are competing with this guy again.


I say, leave this girl be. When this guy no longer picks up on the fact that you like her (and this can be just a look in your eye or her choosing to ride on your bike) - he may lose interest. Either way... I think competing is silly.


Oh! And don't bring new girls around this guy. He's a vulture. (lol!)

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Thanks for the reply RedDress


You're right she didn't ask me to come and it's not like we all haven't been riding out before...it did seem like a date.

I even was talking to another friend of mine in the group yesterday, and he said he noticed the guy trying to 'chat up' another girl in the group too. I will also mention this guy is over 10 years older than me and this girl too lol


It's hard to leave this girl be when she MSGs me all the time, but I think I should.

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