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I need some advice, I want to lose weight.

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I am in a karate class. It is traditional-style karate. It's a great dojo because you earn your belts; they are not just given to you. Plus, I have to say when members quit for a while they seem to put on some pounds! So I think it keeps us in shape more than we realize. I had class two days ago, and I can tell you I am having trouble going down the stairs because my quads are sooo sore! Anyways, I used to go to a gym. But OK what else do you get from that other than being fit? Becoming an expert on the treadmill somehow just didn't appeal to me So I'm all for you finding an activity you actually love to do, and it will help you as you slim a little and eat a bit better. I am also a weight watcher's member. Losing weight is 85% diet, 15% activity. It's worth it. You are worth it.

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Mind you everyone saying 80/20 diet to exercise, it's really not how much you eat, but what you eat that matters. If you were to eat raw broccoli as a "filler" food for example, even with a light vinaigrette or even full fat ranch (just used sparingly), you could eat as much as you could till you were bursting at the seams and you would lose weight. Pick foods that give you a lot of nutrition for the calorie. Instead of ranch use guacamole. Sure avocados have lots of fat, but they also have *tons* of nutrition. More vitamins and minerals per gram of fat than nearly any other food.


I never go hungry. I eat sane portion sizes, and if I'm still hungry I get seconds, thirds sometimes. As long as the food you're eating is really healthy, then pack it away as much as you want


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