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Yup, I am totally with you hun. I think that the benefits of an LDR can far outweigh those of a strictly conventional relationship. You are forced to throw away the games and the immaturity if you want it to work. But I think the most important things that I have learned have been things about myself- the way I handle situations, the things I would like to change, and what kind of a person I am in the eyes of others.


I've learned that the world does not, and should not, revolve around me and my desires. I've learned that if I don't get everything that I want right when I want it, then I'm just not supposed to have it at that point and time. Patience has never been a virtue of mine, but I have gained a lot of knowledge in the last 9 months and I have improved in a lot of areas that I was lacking. I used to be a flake- I would be really into something, like a job or school or working out, for a few weeks, and then I would get sick of it and give it up. Now even when I am sick to death of all the stuff I have to do, I use it as motivation.


I think I have learned all of these things BECAUSE of the intensity and the challenges that go along with my LDR, and also because my boyfriend is a very smart, caring, sensitive guy who knows how to bring out these great things in me.

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