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I'm shy and I need advice, guess this is the place for me.


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A cute girl that came through my line yesterday while I was at work (I'm a cashier). We flirted for a few minutes while I checked her out, at least I think we did anyway. That's kind of why I'm here in the first place, I'm really, really bad at reading people. Like I seriously suck at socializing, I am a very introverted person, plus I have not really dated in anyone in several years. Before she left, she gave me a business card to where she works. I've been thinking about stopping by her work one day and asking if she would like to have lunch together sometime, but I just want some advice because it would be great if I didn't **** things up for a change.

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She's the receptionist at her work, that's why I was thinking of stopping by there. Would that be weird? I thought it would be a more confident approach. If calling is the better option, how should I approach it? I always feel so awkward over the phone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well you can start by calling her asking if it would be ok if you stopped by her work to ask her on a cop of coffee or lunch. If you are shy to talk to her on the phone pratice what you want to tell her and then just do it. Or if you prefer approching her instead thats good too. Just ask her out what's the worst that could happen. Wish You Good Luck

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