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I am confused! HELP!

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Ok here is the deal...

I dated a guy for almost 4 years and now I am single and ready to date. The thing is that we have been broken up for over a year now and i am just now feeling like I am ready to date other people. Since I was with him for so long I am VERY rusty when it comes to picking up the signs that a guy is interested, in fact I am almost oblivious. So here is my situation...can someone help me figure it out!

I have had a huge crush on this guy for a long long time. Everytime I would see him I would get all nervous and freeze up when we spoke. I never EVER thought I had a chance with him, I never thought he was interested at all. A couple of weeks ago a few things happned out of the blue. We were at a bar and he was talking a lot more to me than usual. We danced a bit and he ended up walking me home. Outside of my house we talked for a while and he gave me a very nice goodnight kiss. We never exchanged numbers but we both knew that we would see eachother again soon, since we are in a similar group of friends. It has been 2 weeks since it happened and I have not seen him at all! I usually see him on campus or something but there has been no opportunity at all to talk to him. I am feeling a bit discouraged because he could find a way to contact me if he really wanted to. He could get my e-mail off of one of our friends or something. But nothing has been done, I am WAY to scared to try to contact him. What do you think I should do?? DO you think I should just write it off?? Or do you think there is a chance he is interested??

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This guy has a legitimate interest, be that interest in a relationship or a valuable friendship. If your circles of friends are indeed close, then evidently you have a good chance. Be more empathetic-perhaps he is in the same boat you are. If HE can get your email of one of YOUR friends, then it seems logical to assert YOU could get his email off one of HIS friends. Maybe, like you, he is scared to contact you. When you two do talk again, be sure to make him feel more comfortable contacting you. Welcome him and then you can be the one making him wonder if you are interested. Good luck!

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I would contact him too.... a friendly email wont hurt... and its not as nerve racking as calling him or something....


I met my guy at a party thing and I managed to get his email address (I dont even know why he gave it to me.. I dont think I asked... maybe he was just babbling cause he was drunk).. we hit it off at the party and we hung out all day (i sort of took care of him since he was drunk and puking). I waited a day or two for an email from him.. I knew he could get my email addy cause I knew his bro's gf, and a guy that I talked to on ICQ was a good friend of his (although we never managed to meet before).... so I finally emailed him and he told me how glad he was that I emailed him....

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Hey guys...

thanks for the replies!

Ok I know that I have just as much of a reason to try and contact him as he does. Here is why I am so hesitant.

He is a very very attractive guy and he has been known to be a "ladies man". He has no problem getting girls and I am scared out of my mind that I am just another girl he would have no problem getting. I am worried that if I put myself out there too much he will think I am just another girl and lose interest (if he even has any). He has known that I have had a crush on him for a while now, and did not actually do anything until that night when one of our mutual friends told him to go for it. I know this sounds so immature but I can't explain it any other way. I guess I am hoping that he will make the next big move and actually be legitimately interested in me. I am not good at this kind of thing and I never have been. I think I am so intimidated because I know that I need to stand out in order for him to actually want something of substance with me, because he can get so many girls. Any thoughts?

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