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How do people have fun?


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My recent theme I keep on hearing is "try to enjoy things... Relax... Etc, just have fun".

Well, I'm not sure how.

There are only certain things that make me happy or I'm "having fun".

Being with friends is cool or talking or hanging out, but that stuff gets extremely boring. I'm not an outdoors guy either.

My fun is playing pool, watching a football team, watching a great band, and playing my guitar.

But anything outside if that, I just can't relax or get that same feeling.

And that comes off negative towards people.. Or I give off a negative vibe.

How do I make it better?

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Well, you know how to have fun (I'm quite the pool shark myself). I think your question should be how do I find new things that I enjoy. The answer is simple... try something new every now and then. Other than that, I think you're fine. At least you find something to be fun, but if you said nothing at all then that would be a concern. Anyway, just enjoy what you already do and throw in some activities every now and then to see what else you might like.

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Hi, Dougie, it sure seems that you know what you like and what you enjoy...live music, playing your guitar, etc. It sounds like you are a creative person, and maybe you are somewhat introverted and prefer perhaps a bit more alone time to reflect and to play music. I am also an introverted type even though I'm around people a lot and I do enjoy them, but to feel relaxed and centered and peacefully engaged in something we like sometimes requires being on your own. Correct me if that's not accurate. Finding like-minded people around whom you feel comfortable and safe just being yourself, can be challenging. I totally relate to what you're saying. You sound fine to me! Just a creative genius type, and those types almost always require some solitude. Don't let people's opinions of "how you should be" get the best of you. You just sound like a unique person who knows what they like and are not into people pleasing.

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My recent theme I keep on hearing is "try to enjoy things... Relax... Etc, just have fun". Well, I'm not sure how.


One of the small things you can do is something spontaneous and different.


example: Normally after completing an errand, I go straight home. Last week, I drove 20 km out of the way to see a local canyon, stayed an extra hour, hiked for abit and saw a vulture. It was fun!

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