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Taking a break from ENA.

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I'd like to take the time to thank EVERYONE on here who has followed my story and gave me advice. I'd also like to apologize for going against what a lot of you have told me NOT to do. I was stupid and I definitely have learned my lesson. This has hands down been the hardest two months of my existence and I'm completely ready to move on and start really healing so I can live a great life and meet someone who will love and respect me.


With that being said, I am going to stop posting sad threads about the past and just focus on healing in real life. I want to be able to post good things so that I can show new members that there is hope and there is life after your ex.


TO ALL NEW MEMBERS GOING THROUGH A BREAKUP: Always stick to no contact no matter what! or get a text message like this:


"Lose my number, stay off of my twitter, don't ever in you life contact me again and definitely don't DM someone I'm with. That's all. I'm none of your business. Leave me alone."


You're better than that. Don't do it. Please


Thank you everyone. I'm gone for awhile.

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