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Stuck in "limbo"... :/


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Long story short for those that haven't seen my previous posts: I've recently fallen for a girl I work with. At first, I tried to just let it go, because I felt like certain complications prevented me from dating. Then I decided to start working through said complications ASAP; I haven't quite done that yet, but my goal was to gather up some courage and ask her out when I worked with her this past Saturday. The day didn't go so well, though, and I ended up chickening out. I *almost* asked her, but... I just couldn't bring myself to do it.


Now I find myself in an unfavorable position. Having looked at our work schedules, I don't see her again at work at all for the next two weeks... Which will probably be closer to 3-4 weeks, I'd bet. Well, unless I pop into work on my day off and hope she's not busy, or I hang around 30-60 minutes after my shift ends and try to "run into" her as she's coming in.


So, I'm not sure where that leaves me. I hate that I didn't just pull the trigger, on Saturday... Even if she said no, it'd have been done and over with. Now I'm going to spend the next 2+ weeks dwelling on the situation, wondering if I'll have another chance to ask her out, wondering if I blew it... I just don't know what the answer is. I really like her a lot, and there have been a number of times when I thought she might like me a lot, too (but you can never be sure, yanno?). I don't want to "give up" on her, but I don't know what to do now. It could've been over right then and there, but instead, now I'm stuck in "limbo".

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Limbo is a place where this is no going forward because someone else isn't sure what they want - or similar. Instead, I think this is more of a case of procrastination. If you were really interested, you would get over there and ask her for a least a coffee outside of work. Right now, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and this will cause you to chicken out mroe often than not.



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Limbo is a place where this is no going forward because someone else isn't sure what they want - or similar. Instead, I think this is more of a case of procrastination. If you were really interested, you would get over there and ask her for a least a coffee outside of work. Right now, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and this will cause you to chicken out mroe often than not.




Yes Keyman, you are right!! Make a move!! You will never know!! Chickening out is no excuse it takes a hellofa man to approach a woman of confidence. My ex was at his lowest but still approached me as if he was the hottest thing on the market. Go for it but be confident, polite and positive.

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