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You can read my prior post for full story on the BU 3 weeks ago. It has been very minimal contact, aside from me taking him up on his offer to 'chat things through' when I'd cooled off a little bit. He ended up blowing our drink off as 'he was too busy' so I just left it at that.


Now he has asked me for dinner this evening. He's being accommodating on location and time etc, but still hasn't finalised it so I'm trying not to get my hopes up (but it's obviously hard not to.) I'm not going to push him, he needs to sort it out.


If it does go ahead I'd like some advice. Part of me wants to act cool and friendly and show him what he's missing out on with hopes of reconciliation, and then the other half just wants to put it behind me BUT get a good closure converstation on what went wrong so I can learn for my next experience.


I know it's small and pathetic but he also 'liked' my best friend's Facebook status last night (I deleted him) and she informed me. He's pretty cool, so can't help but read into a bit.


How shall I act if it goes ahead? What should I expect?

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You can't really know what to expect for sure. Whenever I had a little bit of contact with my ex, she just made light-hearted jokes about her drug use & how she's having so much more fun than me. It wasnt until we started to get back together that she took some accountability for how she treated me. That's one of the only times she's cried. Something you can't do is be rude, or just start spouting all your pained passions all over him. You have to stay casual. If he wants to mention your past, he will. Keep it mellow, & you might be able to get some answers, albiet not all. Expect for him to act like everything's great in his life & expect to leave the date a little confused. It will take time to process everything that was said between you.

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