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Revenge and stuff like that...

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Sorry if this is in the wrong board so feel free to move it to wherever...


Anyway, usually, if someone breaks up with you, it's YOU that wants to make revenge (only if you want), not the other way round, right? (someone breaks up with you, but they take revenge out on you).


Anyway, about 2 months ago, I had an old contract mobile phone which I have to my ex boyfriend. At the time, our relationship was pretty sweet and stuff, and I didn't think about getting the contract signed over to his name.


Now, the contract is still in my name, and he has run up a £317 phone bill (if you're not from the UK, that is a lot of money if you only earn £200 a month).


If he doesn't pay this bill, I will have to pay for it. If I don't pay for it, it'll go to court. Chances are I'd lose and then I get put on the black list and I will never be able to get a loan, mortgage to buy things on Hire Purchase.


Thing is, it was my ex that broke up with me, so surely it should be ME that is getting the revenge, not him? Why the hell would he do something like this?


Has this happened to anyone else or am I just the only one? Why would he want to take revenge out on me when I didn't even do anything wrong to him? I didn't cheat on him when we were together, I didn't do anything that was wrong and he broke it off with me, so why the hell is he doing revenge?


I don't get it...

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You might want to just talk to him about paying this bill.


Maybe he honestly forgot (small chance)


This is a separate issue than your relationship together. If he is using the phone he should be paying the bill, not you.


Find out what is going on first before calling it revenge.


Although people who are broken up with are often bitter and think about revenge. (I know I did)

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First things first. Call the phone carrier and cancel the service, if you haven't already done so. Next contact the ex and tell him he needs to pay his phone bill because you aren't going to do it for him. If he is resistent, tell him you will have to take him to small-claims court. (I don't know UK law, but I'm sure there's something similar) I couldn't tell you your odds of winning the case, but often times the threat (or subpoena) will be enough to let him know you mean business. If all that doesn't work, you will unfortunately have to pay the bill.


I don't know that he did it out of revenge, but my guess is that he did it just because he could. He knew he was talking on your dime and he took advantage of it.


If it was revenge, it was a poorly thought-out one. Now with that bill in your hands you have the numbers of everyone he's been calling. Maybe the people on that list you don't like should be signed up for some sleezy telemarketing? But that's just me.

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