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What have you learned after a break up?

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Even how fast you start to feel that you LOVE someone, it is also that fast for the possibility that you will lose it at any time. Don not depend every single reason of your own happiness to your partner. There will be a time you will be able to feel that the level of love that you have for each other is going to be high and mutual. But when that time comes wherein that your partner has started to change and you are left with same old happy emotions that you once both shared, It will surely sets you into a lot of pain. So i learned that you must be whole as person before you decided to start a relationship with someone, so that even if you parted ways in life, you'll still be whole as a person.


Share your experiences and the lessons that you have learned from your past relationship to inspire everyone.

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No matter how much you love your partner, know matter how much you think they understand how much you love them, be sure to set time aside every day to truly connect with them in meaningful way.


Pay attention to any shifts in attitude, lifestyle, or schedule of your partner. Changes in their life mean changes in your life, and sometimes that means they're about to start a new life without you.


Never give ALL of yourself to anyone. Giving someone access to your emotions, time, money, body, and space any time they want it depletes the value of those things.


When somebody says "I'm kinda crazy", believe them!

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A lot, a huge part of why I am as successful as I have become is as a result of breakups and unhealthy relationships. While large numbers of people find it easy to take my advice those close know what my past relationships were like. When I am around my best friend she often says how she has a hard time taking my advice. What do I say? "Who would you see an expert in drug treatment someone who has read all about it and never used drugs or someone who was an addict and recovered?" Well that is how I am when it comes to relationships. I have been through all types of unhealthy and come out the better as a result. Henry Ford said something I hold to be so true when it comes to relationships- "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

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