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I need ur opinion............

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I like a guy and he likes me back a lot.......but we have a problem........

His older brother hates me........because we didn't get alone b4 togther.

now when he find out about me and his brother he just hates me.........

When i see him ,,,,,,,me makes fun and stupid jokes about me.......

The problem is .......his yonger brother that i like a lot doesn't know anything about it...........im scared to tell him that .......

the older one is always guit but every time i try to talk with him , to leave me alone, he says if i don't came back to him (and he has a gf!!) i may forget about his brother.......So ? i can't date both of them.....besids i cant even stand the older one anymore................

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First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. I am sorry to hear that things are a little bit difficult for you at the moment and I hope that my reply helps you going along this.


My suggestion is that you be honest to the brother that you like, no matter how much the other brother hates you. I have a sister in law that I don't get along with, either. That's just how it is and it is a situation I have to accept. Tell the guy that you DO like, that you do like him very much and that you would like to date him. Explain him about his brother and you, but also tell him that there's nothing to worry over for him.


I also suggest to avoid the older brother. Explain to him that he has no saying in what you do (does he?? *grins) and that effective immediately he will have to mind his own business.


I hope that this will help you on your way and I wish you good luck and lots of happiness in your future.


~ SwingFox ~

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Hey Lipstick

First of all thanks for your suggestions on my topics. Anyway i think that you should just ignore the older brother and try to stay away from him. Or you could always tell someone that he is abusing you, but that might jepordize your relationship with the younger brother. When you get a chance you should tell him (the one you like) that you like him. Then maybe you guys could hook up and he could help you with the troubles with his brother. You should definatly tell him that his brother is harasing you a lot. Dont worry about it he wont think of you less because of something that his brother is doing to you. He will definatly help you out.


Good Luck!!!



(i cant type veryt well today for some reason so sorry about the spelling errors and stuff i might of missed)

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