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Creepy or not creepy to talk to someone you don't know on Facebook? Unless...


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I'm going to a new university and they have a Facebook page for new students to join. I signed up a few days ago and was just reading some of the comments. Some say "can't wait until school starts" but the majority of them say "can't wait to meet you guys".


I decided to start posting on the page just so people could start recognizing I'm here and not a stranger. One day I was going through the comments and I noticed this cute girl who posted. Definitely my type! She's moving from another state to go to school where I'm at.


My question is, should I talk to her on Facebook before I see her on orientation? So that way she would already know me? Or should I wait to see her in person?

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Nowadays, connecting through the internet is not as " strange " or " creepy " as it once was before bc if you are NOT technologically connected nowadays, then you would be the "strange minority". I personally don't see any harm in starting a casual conversation on FB. At least, it makes her notice you and when orientation comes, there is a reason for you and her to say " hi " to each other. If you really like her / attracted to her and wait until orientation, then you are lowering your chances in making a pre-connection since she will be so busy / involved in hanging out with other new people that may be more attractive to her.


Connecting on FB ( especially if the page is created for new students ) already provides a lucky, wonderful context for you to make the first contact....which leads to more contact when you finally meet her at the orientation!

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What the heck is a "pre-connection"? Why have we made things so overly complicated? How about meeting the good old fashioned way--no excuses, no pretexts, just catching someone's eye, going over, opening your mouth, and talking to them?


Nothing against your advice, Minx2012....I just feel like all this social networking has made us all a bunch of weenies.

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I just think that people are still looking at things in the " good old traditional way " when the world is clearly not that way anymore. Social networking / technology is a huge part of our reality now. Before, we had books with pages. Now, we have e-readers. Before, we went up to someone and greeted them. Now, we have the computer as the medium to communicate through with that same greeting. Same greeting, same " hellos "...just different medium.

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Minx2012 I was thinking about doing it your way. However, Camus154's idea is also pretty good. Personally I wish there was a way to break the ice or her acknowledge me in some way so it would be easier to introduce myself. By the way this girl is 18 years old. So maybe minx2012 idea might work. Still thinking about this

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Minx2012 I was thinking about doing it your way. However, Camus154's idea is also pretty good. Personally I wish there was a way to break the ice or her acknowledge me in some way so it would be easier to introduce myself. By the way this girl is 18 years old. So maybe minx2012 idea might work. Still thinking about this


People are always looking for what's easier. That's my issue with technology. Easier doesn't always equal better. And believe it or not, there's something to be said about the old fashioned "hard" way.


For one, it builds character and chutzpah. I know that sounds like advice you'd hear from your great uncle Tommy out of World War II, but think about it....take a peak around these forums at all the relationship advice young men are seeking. Guys who are freaking out over how to word a text message, guys who send a text message and are having melt downs because they haven't gotten a response within an hour, guys who have been pining after a woman in their class for 3 1/2 years and still need help working up the courage to add her on Facebook, guys who actually think texting and FB chatting 3 days out of the week equals an honest to God relationship.


All this technology is great, but it's also made us a bunch of wimps. Think about it.....this very topic is about creating some excuse to chat with a gal at orientation. Do 18 year olds really need prefabricated reasons to say hi to one another at college orientations? What a fun, spontaneous group of kids we're raising

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My first thought is that you're trying to get 'ahead' of all the new guys at your school meaning if you reach out first - you'll win the race. BUT if I'm a cute 18 year old girl, I'm going wait to swim in the sea before being interested in much from one fish. I mean if anything, it would make you more recognizable to her but she might see right through your intentions of wanting to be 'first' to talk to her. I would be that there will be plenty of cute girls at school. I'd write something funny on the wall yourself, something no one else has done that sets you apart - might be a good start. Or I'd wait it out.

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I'm going to a new university and they have a Facebook page for new students to join. I signed up a few days ago and was just reading some of the comments. Some say "can't wait until school starts" but the majority of them say "can't wait to meet you guys".


I decided to start posting on the page just so people could start recognizing I'm here and not a stranger. One day I was going through the comments and I noticed this cute girl who posted. Definitely my type! She's moving from another state to go to school where I'm at.


My question is, should I talk to her on Facebook before I see her on orientation? So that way she would already know me? Or should I wait to see her in person?


I think you should message her on FB. I don't know how big your university is, but there's a good chance you might not even bump into her if you wait to see her in person. I agree with some other posts on here that say if you message her on FB, you're clearly only doing it for her looks. But oh well, I'm sure she knows she's cute. Just send something casual like "Hey, I saw you post on [whatever FB page]. I'm going to that school too! What program are you in?"


If she's posting on a random university FB page, she must assume she's going to get some comments or messages. I say go for it!

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I think you should talk to her a bit but try to set up a time to meet up at orientation. Don't talk TOO much online, like for hours, or it could turn into an online-only friendship, and I'm guessing that's not what you want. That happened with me and another student I started talking to on my university's facebook group.

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Someone just announced a hangout before orientation. Hopefully people will post to meet up. I haven't posted anything yet I'm just watching to see what replies it receives. @blueidealist I'm def not trying to talk online for hours so good with that. Just kinda wanted to say something in regards to us going to the same school. Haven't thought about it yet

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