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Framing a birthday card?


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To cut a super long story short.... the guy I like, told me he was buying a frame for the birthday card I made him. Granted it was one with my dogs pictures on it but still, it was a card. I don't know many people who FRAME cards, they usually put them in a drawer or something...or am I seriously wrong?

Told me two times thank you and how he loved it.

I am not gonna rush into anything so that advice isn't needed. Right now, he is going through some stuff and relationship wise, I'd even think it was bad timing, so I'll just keep being there for him but I am just wondering... is this normal for guys to do something like this for a girl they don't like, even somewhat, as maybe more than just a friend?

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He gave me his #. He always gives eye contact and smiles and teases but that could be friendly... he is a mixed singal kind of guy. So not sure.... but I guess its just weird to me. I like plenty of cards but they just get stored in a box, never heard of someone framing one. Especially a guy who is only being nice... idk... ?

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I'll ask him out when the time is right. He is going through alot of crap right now, not a great time to start dating someone.

I am gonna have the house to myself for 2 weeks soon and I am gonna invite him over. So we will go from there

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