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Your stories about the first time you moved in with your SO?


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I moved in with my boyfriend for the first time about 3 months ago and although we've had our ups and downs I think it's been going pretty well! It's slightly hard to give each other the space we need though just because there aren't that many places in the house to disappear too and also the fact that we don't want to seem like we're ignoring each other or want to get away.


Does anyone have any stories about the first time they moved in with their boyfriend or any advice?

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Does anyone have any stories about the first time they moved in with their boyfriend or any advice?

Moving in with your SO is a big step. if you want to head into a serious committed relationship, make sure:

1. He intends to marry you. Whenever the marriage topic comes up, he seems interested and focused instead of shying away from it.

2. You both have a clear cut plan on how certain household chores/bills will be split. This will cut down a lot of future arguments.

3. You both can financially support each other.


I moved in with my fiance when I had a job lined up. We were constantly talking about marriage and he proposed a few months after I moved in with him. After a year and a half I ended up moving out for the following reasons:

1. I lost my job and could not support the bills.

2. The place I was living in was VERY unsanitary. Major cockroach infestation was taking place that I couldn't deal with it anymore. I ended up moving out to my grandmother's for a couple of months (cleaning and spraying all of my stuff to make sure I wasn't bringing roaches into her house) to finish out my contract before moving in with my parents a few states away.

3. The roommates were becoming increasingly difficult to get along with. This put my fiance in a very hard place whenever a problem between them and me erupted. They were the ones bringing in the roaches by shopping at shady international markets and they chose to do absolutely nothing about the problem when I wanted to bomb the whole house once a week and get rid of them. I had declared a silent war on them for a few months and finally said I had it with their sloppy ways.


I am working on getting my fiance to move in with me. He is finding prospect jobs near my parents.

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