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This SHOULD be my last post for awhile. PLease read!!

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Just a little recap on my situation. My ex and I were official for a year. It was long distance because I got to school in Oklahoma. Everything started getting rough in April because of arguing and a little bit of insecurity from my part. I came home for the summer and we broke up five times total. This time we haven't talked in two weeks so I guess she's done for good.


Since the breakup I have been going through a tough time. I feel much better now, but I still think about her constantly and i dread the though of her being with other guys. I've have been focusing on myself and I am working on my problems. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I thank God for bringing this girl into my life. From her I learned so many things about myself that i never realized. I never knew i was insecure and I never thought I could go off on a girl in an argument.


I have swallowed this big pill and accepted that the girl i love is possibly gone for good. All i can do is worry about me, have a good football season, get my mind and body right and just move on completely. I am tired of hurting and having pity parties and wondering what she is doing. It's time for us men on this forum to man up and focus on OURSELVES because all we are doing is wasting precious time. If it's meant to be God will bring her back. If not, I'll be preparing myself for the next girl to steal my heart. But until then, it's ALL ABOUT ME!!!!


Love you all! Have a nice day!

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It's time for us men on this forum to man up and focus on OURSELVES because all we are doing is wasting precious time. If it's meant to be God will bring her back. If not, I'll be preparing myself for the next girl to steal my heart. But until then, it's ALL ABOUT ME!!!!


Love you all! Have a nice day!


Good luck topfive, and the last bit you wrote is so importain and true

I will try follow your advice!!

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