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Finding new Relationships


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recentally i have moved to a new town, it is much bigger than my last one and has more of a night life, due to the closeness to a major Montana college. Before i came to this town i would never have any problems finding a new relationship or even making new girl friends. i bascially had relationships throughout my high school experiance. Now i am in college and 200 miles from home, its been 6 weeks of college and i can't find a new girlfriend. I go out alot, to the gym every day, out to parties, and to school functions. Though i have met some girls at parties i've decided that i am done with one night stands. I am not a shy person and usually have no problems talking to the oppisite sex.


If anyone has helpful thoughts for me it would be very helpful.

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Just keep doing what u have been doing all those years during high school but maybe take a more approach to it since your out of that age.O yah i forgot though.....Most college students r jsut a bunch of young teenagers that party and have sex all the time and waste their parents money.......If u dont end up getting gf's i mean whats the big fricken deal??????I mean you have had plenty in the past....i mean some people like me have never had a girlfriend in our lives and we have had to get used to it.So if u end up getting unlucky and dont get a gf which i dont think you will just get used to it.I wish u luck mang because i know there is plenty of hope for people like u but only a fool's hope for fools like me and other people like me

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Don't worry if you don't have a girlfriend yet. It's still early days yet - you've only been there 6 weeks. Besides, you don't need a girlfriend to be complete.


Just keep doing what you are doing...mixing with people and making new friends. If you are meant to have a girlfriend at any given time, it will happen naturally but it doesn't have to happen yet.


Give yourself time to settle into your new surroundings and develop a comfort zone. Be confident that you're a good person and people will come flocking to your side. Make small talk, show interest in other people and they will reciprocate.



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  • 2 weeks later...

You are sounding rather desperate. It has only been six weeks. Calm down and be patient. If you don't you may settle for something that is

below your standards. Also, you are very young. I think just casual dating

is a much better for someone your age. good things come to those who wait!!!!

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