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I know it's early, but I need female attention!!


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So me and my ex have been broken up for two weeks now and I still feel sad about it, but I feel much better at the same time. I have accepted that it's over and I'm ready to move on with my life and forget about that crazy, immature ***** for good!!!


I have recently created an account on link removed and I have been getting a lot of attention. I met this 28 year old whom I hit it off with right away. To make a long story short, me and this sexy little blonde set up a last minute date the same day that we started talking. All we did on this little date was drive around Atlantic City and talk about life.


I learned her entire life story. In a nutshell, a lot of **** happened to her and she is a divorced woman that just wants to party and have fun. The problem is I think I didn't excite her enough on the date. I have texted her a couple times since that night, but the convos have been short. I am 22. How can i spark the interest of this 28 year old woman who loves to party? How can i get her to look at me in a sexual way if she doesn't ?

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At two weeks post-break up all you are looking for is a diversion..and that is not fair to anyone you date. As for this woman, it could be that she feels the age gap is too great, or she doesn't want to get involved with someone who just got out of a relationship. She may say she is looking for fun...but perhaps deep down she is looking for fun that has the potential to turn into a real relationship. I would let it go and just focus on your healing rather than looking for female attention.

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