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I think my ex is narcissttic


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I was talking to this girl, just normal talk, Then she threw out the word Narcissism. As soon as I heard that word, I looked it up. The more and more I look into it, the more I noticed it to be exactly like her. There is some things that aren't related to her, but about 90 percent of the things I read sound just like her. So I am quite fascinated.. I was just starting to feel hatred to her from her behavior, and yet now I think I might understand her problem..

I feel as if I am starting to pity her a bit. So here's my question; anyone else dealing with a Narcisstic girl? Do you think going no contact is the best solution in dealing with her? Should I tell her that she is a narc, so she can get help?

Is it possible to ever be friends with such a girl?

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You can be her friend, but it will probably end up being an unfulfilling friendship for you. It's more of a one sided friendship with narcissisttic people, you put in your admiration and hear all about her, her, her. Whereas you never get so much of that feeling of admiration or reward from her. And some of them, depending on their characteristics can be worth it: say they are narcisstic about their intelligence, well maybe they really are incredibly intelligent about something and it's interesting to hear them speak on it, I guess that could be a situation where it's somewhat enjoyable to you. But then there are the more standard and less dignified narcissists, like the girls who post hundreds of photos of themselves on facebook and brag about how "cool" they are and rant about how other people suck. Those types can be just plain annoying, and not worth dealing with, well unless you like looking at hot pictures of girls, I guess they do have their perks. But yeah! Narcissttic people are pretty bad friends in general.

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I've been fortunate enough to avoid a narcissistic girlfriend. But in general I have dealt with a couple of them over the years. If you have read about then you realize if you tell them you are just inviting conflict. Leave it to them to seek professional help some day if they so choose. Personally I find narcissistic people to be extremely unpleasant to be around. Your call, don't know what your trying to accomplish though. You definitely aren't going to save her.


Are you using the word in general terms, or true clinical terms?

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