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im 16 in 10th grade and i have lot of problems with women at my school. i rarely get a date because im so shy. And i have a bad reputation at my school anyway. a year ago My ex girlfriend competely screwed me over and had her friend (another guy) spread rumors about me. So i threatened him and got kicked out of school for 10 days and got sent to a phyciatric ward for 5 days for tryin to kill myself over the whole thing. i came back to school and everybody thought i was crazy or believed the rumors about me. Ive managed to get most to stop beleiving the rumors, but because of the way she screwed me up im afraid to try to make a move with other girls. What can i do to be popular with the girls again?

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I am sorry to hear what has happened to you in the past. I understand that you have been feeling really down after your ex g/f broke up with you.


My suggestion is that you start to build confidence from scratch again. Say 'hi' and smile to those girls that you like and see how they react. If you feel that one of them starts to smile back at you and say 'hi' back at you, you could make her a compliment or two. Again see how she reacts. If you still feel getting like positive responses, I would suggest that you start to talk to them about casual things and hopefully that will make you feel confident enough to ask one out.


I hope that this helped you on your way and wish you good luck. Do as Nike says: "Just do it!!".

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Hey Daniel,

i think that you should either be yourslef around chicks or find someone that you can get along with even if they believe the rumors. You have to be more outgoing. Dont worry they dont bite! As long as you dont say somethin stupid or imiture about them than you will be fine (if you do though watch out for smack). Just flater them with compliments and stuff and they should just melt. Sooner or later the girls (and guys) should forget all about the stupid rumer.


Good Luck

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